Winter Survival: Prologue Devlog #2 – Combat

Author: From Steam
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2023
Winter Survival: Prologue Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Free to Play
Developer: DRAGO entertainment
Release Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2023

Hey, survivors! ❄️

Recently, we dived a little bit into some of the shelters that you’ll encounter along your journey. First of all, we’re so grateful that you cannot wait for the prologue release, so we thought we won’t wait any longer and we have another devlog ready for you to delve into. This time, we’ll focus on the combat mechanic, as we think this might be something that many of you will enjoy. Without further ado, let’s see what we’ve got! 🔥


Before we jump into the combat itself, we’re so excited to share this news with you, fellow survivors! We’ve just prepared a brand-new trailer to give you a glimpse of what you might expect from the prologue. Check this out!


Combat in Winter Survival takes a little different approach than you might know from many survival games out there. Fighting to survive it’s not an easy task, even for a veteran. In Winter Survival you’re a rookie in this field. Life would be just a little bit easier if you had any weapon that you could use. However, that’s not the case in the game. How do you survive in the wilderness, then? The answer is STEALTH.


In most cases, sneaking past the predators will be enough, but what if they’re blocking the entrance to the cave for example? Then, distraction is your best friend. Scout the terrain around you, and see if there's any objects that you can use. Maybe there is a rock nearby that you can throw somewhere, to distract the wolves for a while. That crow over there? Throw a snowball into it and use the momentum to move along.


Sometimes you might be stuck between a rock and hard place, and sneaking past your enemies is your only chance to survive. Every single step counts, and if you happen to make a single mistake, you’ll be punished for it.


In some cases, you’ll end up in a dire situation, and your last chance to survive is your torch. It’ll scare away the wolves and give you a brief moment to escape. However, your resources are limited, so you have to choose wisely whether it’s worth it to use it.


Harsh winter conditions, limited resources, and predators lurking in the forest – The journey back home won’t be an easy one. Here, you’re the prey, and if you make even a small mistake, you’ll pay the price for it. The more careful you’re, the higher chances you have to survive.


And that’s it for today, survivors! ❄️Feel free to let us know what you think about this kind of approach to combat. We hope that you’ll enjoy it, as we’re getting closer and closer to the prologue release. Just to remind you – a free prologue will be available for you on February 6th, 2023! Last but not least, don’t forget to follow us on social media channels, so you can stay up-to-date with any news. And we can assure you – there’ll be many in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for more 🔥

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