Masterspace v3.2

Author: From Steam
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2023
Masterspace Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, RPG, Simulation
Developer: Mastertech
Release Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2015
Masterspace v3.2 has been released, introducing improved world generation capabilities as well as a new tutorial scenario. The world generator has been given a graphical user interface where the number of planets, as well as their sizes, may be specified. Furthermore, it is possible to customize climate settings and the abundance of resources. Buildings from the blueprint database will also be placed randomly on the planets.

A rare new material has been introduced, Maesterium, which may only be found on asteroids. Maesterium is required for construction of many of the most advanced objects in the game. New objects include a set of new storage and lighting objects, as well as a fusion reactor. The trading post has been split in two separate objects, for materials and explosives trade respectively. Three new perks has been added, which are related to these changes: Lighting, Storage and Production.

A much requested feature has been the ability to easier relocate objects. It is now possible to pick up and place objects, similar to how they were originally placed. Press and hold the grab key to relocate an object. There is now also a confirmation dialog for selling objects and a function has been added to center and delete blueprints.

Other fixes include an automatic backup of the last autosave and a rework of the lighting engine. Furthermore, the physics simulation has been optimized, which should greatly improve the frame rate on low-end CPU setups. As usual, a lot of bugs have been fixed, along with other minor features and improvements of the modding capabilities.

New features:

  • Random buildings from the database are now placed on generated planets
  • Automatic subscription features added to mod manager
  • New Material: Maesterium, exclusive for asteroids
  • New Perks: Lighting, Storage, Production
  • New Objects: Basket, Barrel, Fireplace, Wall Torch, LED Mark I, LED Mark II, Fusion Reactor
  • Trading Post split in Explosives Trading Post and Materials Trading Post and Trading perk extended to two levels
  • Automatic backup of old autosave
  • Modding of music and sound effects is now possible
  • Organic asteroids
  • Relocating objects by holding the grab key (default: 'q')
  • Button to delete blueprints
  • Additional building blueprints included
  • Function to center blueprints on save
  • New tutorial scenario


  • Multiple objects changed to accomodate new materials and objects
  • Tweaked world generation settings
  • Old world generator scenarios removed
  • Culture points are now team specific
  • Confirmation required for selling objects
  • Optimized physics simulation
  • Improved lighting

Bug fixes:

  • Excessive GLSL log messages in latest AMD drivers fixed
  • Fixed loading screen crash
  • Fixed "living dead" bug
  • Fixed building placement on spherical worlds
  • Fixed bug with LOD level visibility
  • Fixed object placement on spherical worlds

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