Strider Update #1 Released!

Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025
STRIDER™ / ストライダー飛竜® Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Double Helix Games
Release Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014


  • Implementation of manual screen resolution and refresh rate selection under Settings.
  • Implementation of a full-screen borderless "Window" display mode inside the game under Settings.


  • All screen resolution and refresh rate combinations potentially supported by the PC driver may be selected in Settings under Help & Options. However, if the refresh rate selected is not either 59/60 or a multiple of 60 (120, 240 etc), slowdown or other graphical issues may occur. The above refresh rates are strongly recommended to enjoy a fluid gaming experience. Note that the refresh rate setting only applies to the game running in Fullscreen "on" mode.

  • Window mode has been added as an option for the Fullscreen setting. Fullscreen value settings are as follows:

    • On: Traditional full-screen mode. Uses the resolution and refresh rate specified in the game's Settings menu.
    • Off: Traditional windowed mode. Game runs in bordered window within the operating system. User's Desktop setting is used for refresh rate (in-game setting is ignored).
    • WINDOW: "Full-screen windowed" mode. Game runs in windowed mode but the window takes up the entire screen with no borders (visually equivalent to fullscreen "on"). User's Desktop settings are used for resolution and refresh rate (in-game settings are ignored).

When to use WINDOW setting:
Window mode is recommended for those users who may experience issues when using Fullscreen mode, such as resolution drops, refresh rate issues, or crashes. If you experience any of these issues (particularly with more than one processor in the system) please attempt to use the WINDOW setting to play the game.

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