Author: indiefoldcreator
Sun, 24 Sep 2023
Game: Duck Game
Welcome to the Duck Game 1.5, the biggest Duck Game update ever! In fact it was so big, we had to break the update notes up into two parts! Here is the long, long list of bug fixes. Quack on ducks!
- Hopefully fixed alt-tab lockup issue
- Insane amounts of SFX should no longer cut out music
- Musket/Bazooka smoke now properly travel in their gun's barrel direction
- Added a fix for stretchy cannons
- Fixed a number of offset/lighting glitches with level transition rendering
- Fixed crash in sunlight refresh
- Fixed rare occasion where steam lobby connection would be affected by previous lobby data
- Fixed NetProfileData synchronization issues (pause indicator, spectator table sync, etc)
- Removed infinite loop detector as it was crashing the game without reason and was basically in place to debug problems that have already been fixed
- Reverted some Hat Selector changes that were causing bad things to happen
- Non-lethal bullets now behave correctly with surface penetration
- Non-flammable things can no longer burn
- Fixed an issue that caused floating doors
- Fixed an issue where network ducks would not moves sometimes
- Fixed a desync issue with GhostObjects
- Fixed a bunch of meaningless network talkback in the ghost object system
- Fixed a number of pyramid level generation issues
- Corrected some threading issues with the loading system.
- Fixed issue where clients weren't properly spawning with holstered items
- More platform fallthrough fixes (crouching and jumping near the edges of ledges was cancelling jumps, even though it shouldn't have been)
- Fixed a number of power holster issues
- DuckPersona.mallard now works properly
- Fixed hat offset issue with vincent
- Fixed -nomods not working with texture packs
- Fixed issue with lobby type detection, this should help prevent Dan Rando from showing up in your private game
- Random map generation fixes (first pass)
- Fixed weird offset when removing helmets
- Fixed reskins mod crash
- Fixed issue with not being able to set custom challenges on custom arcade machines
- Hopefully solved a number of sound initialization crashes
- Fixed a number of object initialization synchronization issues
- Fixed "Ignoring Removed Ghost" issue that was causing ducks not to move
- Fixed a number of DWEP issues
- Fixed synchronization issue with wire buttons on level start
- Fixed sound synchronization issue with chain dartgun
- Fixed a few synchronization issues with guns firing via heating or springing
- Fixed issue with drumset blocking bullets
- Fixed crash when joining local duck with no local slots enabled
- Fixed a sword crash
- Fixed crash running game without steam
- Fixed issue with shotgun not returning to correct spawner when throwing it into the beam as players 5 to 8
- Fixed issue with tall teleporters not connecting to each other when placed vertically
- Fixed a number of pipe issues
- Fixed issue where quickly drag removing objects in the editor wouldn't work properly
- Fixed issue with random item crate not working, added "reveal random" property allowing '?' item crates
- Fixed a few fullscreen crashes
- Fixed a number of issues with background pipes generating collision
- Fixed a few issues with death ray sound effects
- Fixed parallax culling issues
- Fixed issue with drumset disappearing online
- Fixed a number of connection issues and lobby desyncs
- Fixed issue with hat offsets on scoreboard in eight player mode
- Fixed issue with background tile index loading that was causing potential data loss for larger tilesets
- Fixed issue with layer cameras not getting reset which led to floating foreground objects and offset spawn indicators
- Fixed crash related to setting too large a font size
- Fixed issue with matchmaking window getting stuck when connection to a server fails
- Fixed issue where infinite loop detector would trigger while dragging the game window
- Fixed a memory leak with BufferedGhostStates
- Fixed graphics object disposal crashed
- Fixed item spawner item position glitching issue
- Fixed position glitching issue with trapped ducks getting out of their nets
- Fixed a custom/client/workshop level transfer related crash
- Fixed crash related to creating a large raster font buffer when hidef mode is disabled
- Fixed a number of minor graphical errors
- Fixed a few collision bugs related to new collision code
- Fixed changes that were causing DWEP to WOPP
- Fixed GoalType crash caused by not setting a goal object
- Fixed disappearing duck/ragdoll issue with full ghost state synchronizations (this caused particular problems when re-joining lobbies, as existing ducks would have their owner connections assigned to the host for the new client, which was causing a discrepancy and causing messages to be ignored)
- Fixed a few input lockout issues with magnet guns and RC cars
- Fixed red hot graphics glitch with flamethrower
- Fixed a number of issues with object removal code
- Fixed stack overflow crash with demo crate (this was likely causing hard lockups, the likes of which may have required a computer restart for people playing with native fullscreen enabled)
- Fixed issue with jetpack smoke not appearing online
- Fixed a few texture pack loading issues/crashes
- Game will no longer crash when no audio device is detected
- Fixed some editor resolution issues when using extremely wide aspect ratios
- Fixed index out of range crash when disconnecting from game
- Fixed bug with infinite firecrackers spawning way too many firecrackers when burned
- Fixed a number of lobby crashes and errors
- Fixed bug where destroyed network objects would be resurrected in a feedback loop
- Fixed emoji support for different font sizes
- Fixed issue where additional local players couldn't select custom hats
- Fixed issue where players rejoining lobbies would get corrupted data (causing disappearing ragdolls/hats/etc)
- Fixed an XML crash
- Fixed issue where target ducks could no longer be crushed
- Fixed a few editor placement issues
- Fixed Kingdom Tileset collision issues
- Fixed bug where backing out a local player would leave their door stuck open with a black background.
- Fixed a bunch of holster synchronization bugs (disappearing objects)
- Fixed bug where '+1' round win number color was appearing incorrectly
- Fixed save location issues for OneDrive users..
- Fixed MindControlRay crash
- Fixed end of game recaps crash when playing in windowed fullscreen mode
- Fixed issue where sliders with range minimums less than ze
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