Development Progress Report 01
Author: indiefoldcreator
Thu, 13 Apr 2023
Game: Doll Explorer
Happy Holidays!
This is PicoGames.
I will report progress from time to time.
Before that, I'd like to report how this game will change from the prologue.
This time Doll has HP and can withstand several attacks from traps and enemies.
HP can also be recovered or permanently enhanced.
When HP reaches 0, there is no retry or undo, and the player returns to the home.
All the money and materials that the player earns in the adventure can be brought back even if the game is over in the middle of the game.

In the prologue version, there was a turn limit, but there is none in this version.
Instead, poison gas approaches from behind each turn, one square at a time, and if Doll comes in contact with it, Doll will be damaged.
You get more money if you clear the game in shorter turns.

When certain commands are placed next to each other, the power is increased.

The "Search" command, which was not available in the prologue version, will be added.
Searching for enemy corpses and treasures on the stage will allow you to acquire various items.

I'll report back as development progresses.
This is PicoGames.
I will report progress from time to time.
Before that, I'd like to report how this game will change from the prologue.
Elimination of game over with one mistake
This time Doll has HP and can withstand several attacks from traps and enemies.
HP can also be recovered or permanently enhanced.
When HP reaches 0, there is no retry or undo, and the player returns to the home.
All the money and materials that the player earns in the adventure can be brought back even if the game is over in the middle of the game.

Poison gas coming from behind every turn
In the prologue version, there was a turn limit, but there is none in this version.
Instead, poison gas approaches from behind each turn, one square at a time, and if Doll comes in contact with it, Doll will be damaged.
You get more money if you clear the game in shorter turns.

Combos activated by combining commands next to each other
When certain commands are placed next to each other, the power is increased.

Addition of "search" commands in addition to movement and attack
The "Search" command, which was not available in the prologue version, will be added.
Searching for enemy corpses and treasures on the stage will allow you to acquire various items.

I'll report back as development progresses.
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