Update 2.5 - 'Candy Coated' is now in Alpha!
Author: indiefoldcreator
Mon, 16 Dec 2024
Game: Chester One
:CupcakeRed:To access the alpha build right click Chester One on your Steam Inventory->Properties->Beta->enter code "chesteralpha"
You might need to restart Steam to trigger the update.:CupcakeRed:
The next patch is chugging along and it's about to the point of needing some user testing!
This patch is all about updating the visuals and revamping some core gameplay mechanics that either weren't getting used much (style switching) or just weren't fun/exciting (charging your special.)
Here is a quick overlook on what is in this update
I'm planning on doing a UI overhaul and I'm in the process of rescanning all of the original drawings to create higher resolution sprites, but I'm not sure if those two things will make it into this patch.
This update is still in an alpha state so you will most likely encounter bugs at some point.
If you encounter any bugs or have any feedback, please let me know on the community forum.
:CupcakeYellow: Thanks a lot for your time!
You might need to restart Steam to trigger the update.:CupcakeRed:
The next patch is chugging along and it's about to the point of needing some user testing!
This patch is all about updating the visuals and revamping some core gameplay mechanics that either weren't getting used much (style switching) or just weren't fun/exciting (charging your special.)
Here is a quick overlook on what is in this update
- :CupcakeRainbow: Merged in the unused art from Chester United
- :CupcakeCottonCandy: Overhauled the Style changing system. There are now candies that you can find in levels/drop from enemies that will change your style for a short period of time. Each planet has one candy that will show up the most and that you'll unlock to use whenever once you clear it.
- :CupcakePink: Overhauled the Special Attack charging system. It is now charged by catching stamps launched by enemies or by your shots. Catching stamps now also doubles their value, but missing them gets them all dirty and makes them worth less. (Not quite worthless though, probably still worth around a doll hair.)
- :CupcakeBlue: New rendering should provide sharper visuals on higher resolution displays.
- :CupcakeGreen: New camera tracking system that should improve support for more display ratios.
- :CupcakeOrange: Slight adjustments to a few levels and level order
I'm planning on doing a UI overhaul and I'm in the process of rescanning all of the original drawings to create higher resolution sprites, but I'm not sure if those two things will make it into this patch.
This update is still in an alpha state so you will most likely encounter bugs at some point.
If you encounter any bugs or have any feedback, please let me know on the community forum.
:CupcakeYellow: Thanks a lot for your time!
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