Balance Patch | IWC 0.82 Beta Patch Notes

Author: From Steam
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2023
Infinity Wars: Animated Trading Card Game Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Free to Play, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, RPG, Strategy
Developer: Lightmare Studios
Release Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2014

Missing Items

A reminder to all players that have reported missing card items from their Infinity Wars account transfer, please fill out This Survey Form and provide any information you might have.
This survey will only be available for a limited time, so submit your report as soon as possible.

Major Features

Friend Online Status Improvements

Friend displays have been greatly improved so that players can now see a detailed status for what activity their friends are doing when online. This includes showing when they are in-queue, in a private lobby, or in-game, with additional information that identifies what game it is.
Collapsible groups now also separate between Online and Offline friends.

In-Game Battlefield Visual Pass

The visuals of most battlefields have been reworked to appear closer to their IW1 counterparts, featuring enhanced lighting and materials making the battlefields now look better than ever.
To celebrate, a number of battlefields will be available in the store this week.

Initiative based Day / Night Cycles

It's about time, Infinity Wars now features a dynamic, initiative based time of day system.
Players will now be able to tell if they have initiative by looking for the sun, those without will bathe in moonlight.
This provides players more immediate feedback for if they currently have initiative.
Timestopper actually stops time now!

Minor Features

Pack Drop Rates & Improved Descriptions

Drop rates for cosmetic types and card rarity now show on all pack items that use randomization. Only the cosmetics that apply to the pack will show its chance rates. If its chance is 100%, it will be “Guaranteed”.
This is now integrated when viewing the description of any pack, whether that be from the Store, Inventory or Pack Opening.

Inventory Filtering Polish

When filtering card items in the inventory screen, the circular amount text shown on each card now represents the total amount according to the active filters. When filtering, the cards shown will now only include the ones that exactly match the selected filters.
Another filter menu has also been added for filtering cards by Rarity.

Deck Cover Art

It is now possible to select what art is used for each deck, making it easier to remember what deck is what! The art can be assigned from within the deckbuilder by first bringing up the full screen card display then pressing the ‘Set as deck cover’ button below the card.

Changeable In-Game Card Movement Speed

There’s now an option for changing the in-game card movement speed, this option will affect how fast cards move around the board and individual interactions. This includes three options of Slow, Normal and Fast. This can be changed in the settings menu, under the Gameplay section.

Balance Changes

Agent Kael: Text Changed to
"At the end of turn, if a Character you control with attack 15 or more is on the Battlefield, draw a card.
Pay 5: Fully heal all other Characters you control."

Goal: Agent Kael's card draw ability being very close but not quite the same as previous 15+ attack synergies both lead to some confusion and awkwardness into slotting him into decks that play around with that theme. In addition we have buffed his healing ability as it was extremely overcosted.

Devil of Despair: Increased stats from 6/6 -> 6/8 and its activated ability can now be activated from the Command Zone.

Goal: Devil of Despair's redesign, especially the removal of its haste made playing it main deck often very unappealing, while at the same time losing the utility as a commander for discard based decks. These buff should help mitigate both of these factors, while the low consume value makes it less swingy than its earliest designs.

Champions Companion Text changed to
While CARDNAME is deployed, Unique Characters in your hand with base cost 5 or less have Haste."
Reverted back to 3 cost 5/5 stats.

Goal: As part of the Champion rework of Overseers in the last major non-Revelations balance patch, Champion's Companion didn't end up in a place we were happy with. This new design will allow Overseers to support low cost Unique Characters, while fulfilling a role different to Aunissial or Champion's Herald. Especially as a 1 Purity Card.

Xi, Who Wanders Far: Text changed to
"While Xi, Who Wanders Far is deployed, missions you control cost 1 less.
At the start of combat, if Xi, Who Wanders Far is attacking, the first enemy Character in the Assault Zone cannot attack this turn."

Goal: While we found the gameplay of having a DoD Character that attacks to defend worked quite well, the permanent attack reduction was often too punishing for how early Xi could be deployed, shutting down aggressive options extremely effectively even if she was quickly removed. So we are modifying her effect to now prevent attacks to still allow her to shut down parts of the Assault Zone or discount your missions if left unchecked, but not leave such a long lasting impact in early turns of the game that can be difficult to recover from.

Covert Battlesuit: Reverted changes of the previous patch. Changed text to
"When Covert Battlesuit enters the deployed area, it gains untouchable and indestructible until it leaves combat with a Character."

Goal: While Covert Battlesuit's gameplay in intrigue was essentially a test run of the Barrier mechanic, it had enough differences and a focused role to fight decks without Characters that it was unfairly diminished when it was converted to use that Barrier mechanic. So we are reverting the change in the interest of deckbuilding diversity.

Canopy Defender: 5/10->5/12

Goal: With the background development of Rift Runs being currently worked on, a number of cards are having minor changes are being pushed forward that will likely have very little impact on construction but will help fill out lower rarity cards for the Rift Run gamemode. Canopy Defender is one of these changes, making it slightly more durable and increasing the density of playable reach Characters overall.

Bad Bot: Reduced cost from 4 -> 3

Goal: One important element of Rift Runs is having support cards for various "build around" archetypes, this means that there is a tension between choosing a pile of the best cards vs supporting synergistic decks that aim towards a particular strategy. This cost reduction aims at providing a 15 attack character to be either used in Secluded Constructor style decks, or with cards like Defiant Engineer in Rift Runs.

Cloaked Operative: Gains Barrier 1 (Regardless of its overcharge effect, which remains the same)

Goal: While Haste is often only rarely appearing in Genesis, Cloaked Operative's statline was laughably below average, and so we wanted to use the new-ish Barrier keyword to buff the card in a way that was somewhat unique to the faction compared to how haste is used elsewhere.

Orion, Master Architect: The token in the graveyard is now granted haste during the next turn.

Goal: Orion's redesign significantly reduced the tempo of an already often weak card, so we are adding temporary haste to allow you to deploy the tokens he creates at a similar speed to his IW1 design.

Shrapnel Launcher: Gains Reach, and can sacrifice artifacts.

Goal: Part of the upcoming Rift Run gamemode is supporting "build around'' cards that encourage a player to focus on specific combos or cardtypes during the drafting phase. Shrapnel Launcher has long fallen into this category but has been a little too weak and narrow. While we don't expect this to push the card into constructed play, making it able to sacrifice a larger array of things will allow it to act as a kind of glue between Artifacts and Artificials themes in Genesis during Rift Runs.

Pyr Quartermaster: Stats increased from 6/4 -> 7/5. The first deploy option now creates a Pyr token in hand rather than drawing it from your deck.

Goal: Pyr Quartermaster's low stats and requirement to play 1 or more copies of Pyr often made it feel like a trap in even dedicated aspirant decks. In addition to this, the card is extremely awkward in Rift Runs, due to having to find a Pyr. This change makes it so it plays better in Rift Run without getting too huge of a power boost.

Mega Unit 03: Change activated ability to "Sacrifice an Artificial Character: CARDNAME gains Barrier 1 and Unstoppable. Activate this only once per turn."

Goal: When Barrier was added, this card's redesign wasn't confirmed in time to be added. This is also a minor buff to one of our favourite niche strategies as you can stack multiple instances of Barrier.

Hell's Gambler: Cost Increased from 6->8. The Card that has its cost reduced is discarded at the end of the next turn.

Goal: Hell's Gambler has both been too efficient compared to other high cost ramp tools, even with it being more difficult to sculpt your hand size or composition to reliably hit the right target. Another issue has been negative gameplay created by hitting a high impact card that isn't useful right now, such as Calamity and then being able to leave it in hand for later in the game. This change will not only mean that you have to use the card right away, and increases its risk of being used, but can tie into exile or discard matter cards as a backup option to be considered during deck creation.

Nero, Crypt Delver: Nero's effect now works with Sacrifice effects. Activated Ability now sacrifices rather than kills.

Goal: While Nero's original design was intended to work primarily with kill effects such as Mass Death, getting you to kill your own stuff to get future zombies. This ended up not playing out very well with the rest of the cardbase, and so will now work with cards from both factions such as Carrion Creeper or Blood Arrow. In addition, many players already though this was how it worked or was supposed to work, creating a lot of confusion and bug reports. This is a significant boost in power level, especially as a commander, so we'll be keeping an eye on how this plays out.

Believer of Paragons: Indestructible effect only works while in the battlefield, not just while deployed.

Goal: While we are happy with the overall redesign, we want to tone down the power level slightly, especially making it foreshadow its effect better when played from hand and making it unable to sit safely in Support for a long time.

Taiga, Combat Reconstructor: Removed "other" clause so she can buff herself.

Goal: As a low cost "Lord" style card, Tiaga plays in dangerous space developmentally, able to very quickly become overpowered with only small changes to her design. So while we do believe her underpowered currently, we want to only make a minor change at this stage that allows her to become large at the end of a large combat phase without necessarily spreading those buffs over multiple zones.

Bugfixes & Improvements

General Fixes

  • Fixed inventory items not sorting by default items first, then by the item name
  • Minor tutorial fixes related to UI and soft locks
  • Removed hold to resolve functionality on the end turn button
  • Fixed Trading Post 3 cost option (shuffle then draw) allowing you to draw a card with an empty hand.
  • Discord activity improvements
  • Added tooltips to let players know when they cannot play unique cards.
  • Added post processing to in-game scene
  • Fixed removing card from deck via vanity button sometimes removing incorrect vanity
  • Fixed game hangs occurring in offline game modes
  • Fixed issue where the "resolve mode" option in the gameplay failed to save the selection option
  • Inventory now only includes items that match all toggle settings
  • Inventory item displays count text now represents current vanity filtering
  • Added rarity filtering to inventory card filters

    Card Fixes

  • Fixed Concordant Collective preventing damage from opponent damage effects.
  • Fixed Made Mighty By Metal being unkillable outside of the battlefield, and fixed it’s death replacement effect not disabling after it’s first use in the turn.
  • Fixed Agent Mereor not affecting Agent Coyle, Singularity
  • Fixed Divine Demonic's discard effect only working when you had at least 1 character in your hand.
  • Fixed Great Fortress Of Xia Han desync caused when adding second location then undoing
  • Fixed Agent Synergy not ignoring unique tags of agent cards other than itself
  • Fixed card effects using the wrong owner upon triggering when dying (this fixed on death triggers from cards killed from Fetid Intrusion not working for the correct player. E.g. Lil'Timmy bot’s draw card effect).
  • Fixed Evelee, not recruiting to the correct position in the zone
  • Fixed gain control effects not working correctly when moving the controlled card to the deck, hand or graveyard
  • Fixed Avatar Of Daode not working from the command zone
  • Fixed Peaceful Garden not affecting the graveyard
  • Fixed Candit, The Demonic only removing 2 / 3 of the ability cards
  • Fixed Hellmouth Labourer buffing enemy demons
  • Fixed Super Infectious Zombie animation
  • Fixed Repel being able to target character of any cost
  • Fixed Micro Rift Research not being able to cancel targeting
  • Volcano Class Carrier can now activate more than once per turn.
  • Fixed Denouncer Of Heaven duplicate tooltip
  • Fixed Empath Battery triggering while removed
  • Fixed Defiance not being able to target the command zone
  • Fixed Carries New Life sometimes not sacrificing itself
  • Fixed Agent Mereor having inconsistent wording with its wish options
  • Fixed Ceaseless Hunger not being able to target the command zone
  • Fixed Defiant Monk, Pyr, and Augmented Ninja triggering from incorrect zones


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