Patch 1.34

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPG
Developer: United Independent Entertainment
Release Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013
With the almost superhuman effort of several highly motivated beta testers, namely lunatic, mordbrenner, sordul, curom and Blanidur, we can proudly present you this Patch 1.34.

New features
  • Equipment worn on the body only weighs half
  • Autocombat asks whether magic is to be used
  • Skip character with Space Key in combat
  • Vitality and Astral Energy regeneration on sea journeys

New Content
  • Mini event "Old Keep" in Thorwal
  • Phexcaer experience vastly extended
  • Additions in Efferdun, Nordvest, Rovamund, Guddasunden
  • Several new Random encounters
  • DLC For the Gods two additional quest parts
  • Extended Modability
  • Hyggeliks Dungeon can now only be found on the route Phexcaer Skellelen with at least 7 map parts
  • OD, Beilunk Riders in need: Rider-Event will only trigger once
  • FtG, forsaken woods can now be entered multiple times
  • Huge Skeletons now attack properly
  • FtG, Baerhag: Fix to allow Baurgrims Axe to be taken later if there is not enough capacity right after the battle
  • Items 188, 215 und 245 (Fire protection amulet, Silver pendant Necropathy, Silver tiara Fastness of Body) fixed / reworked
  • Toadskin encumberance fixed
  • Magical Resistance Boni/Mali fixed
  • OD, Beilunk Riders in need: Secret message is now displayed correctly
  • Chain mail encumerance fixed
  • a lot of missing translations added
  • Fixed several F1 Helptexts
  • Reworked text punctuation
  • Fixed Armor Values of several helmets
  • FtG Random encounter Rondra battle only triggers once for parties of average level of at least 4
  • Remove Runestone after completing Gorah/Sevenstone quest
  • Timings in the textbox "No orks yet" fixed / adapted to the voiceovers
  • Random Encounter Corpse with amulet: It can only be found once with a corpse, but the event can trigger more often with random loot
  • Made Anti-Bravery-Elixier usable
  • Battle in Tavern "Green Horseshoe" now starts correctly
  • Fixed check for healing spell
  • hunting event "aurochs": time passes according to description
  • weights of several items fixed
  • added headline to riddle-chest in the ork cave
  • Hjaldingard-tower of Thorwal: text now triggers in the house closest to the tower
  • hunting events "aurochs": no more rations if the animal escapes
  • fixed superstition check at Zerif (Rukian)
  • adapted description text of hylailian fire
  • Zerif-battle (Rukian) not repeatable
  • FtG, Baerhag questbook fix
  • Unlimited XP by hole in dwarven mine fixed
  • speartrap in dwarven mine now ignores armor
  • trap wolves den: ignores armor, reduced chance to sickness
  • FtG Rukian: several dialogue fixes
  • weapon usability for the druid fixed
  • reworked many item values
  • reduced damage for door crashes in the old bailey
  • Prem abandoned mine: reduced difficulty for some doors
  • Fixed re-triggering of Grimring search if already in possession
  • Fixed event "meeting rafters"
  • Old Bailey: Hole in the ground (ladder) now triggers multiple times
  • Zwingfeste: "Rabbit over the fire" and dialogue "found a ring" in third level now trigger only once
  • fixed several missing text keys in "Hyggelik the smaller"
  • Gameover after losing against the ork champion: according text is displayed in the gameover screen
  • The Dead Ship: The amulet that can be found was assigned to the proper corpse
  • Sweet erika: added missing text keys
  • Black mages ruin: included using magic to counter acrophobia checks
  • final battle: no more magic is usable
  • Reduced battle range of healing spell to 1
  • Added question where to continue the journey to after leaving a dungeon (and where it is necessary)
  • Fastness of Body Tiara fixed and added description that it needs to be used in battle
  • Moved hint to Gorah to another, more apropriate dialogue
  • Fix and Extension of the Swafnild-Egilsdotter-Quest
  • Fixed captions of houses in daspota
  • Trap in Daspota treasure cave ("Strange floor") fixed
  • added itemdescription for the register of debts
  • added text for orvil harbor ("no shipping routes available")
  • Hyggelik ruin: prevented leaving with the cursed gold
  • Hyggelik ruin: added effect "nausea" with foul food chest
  • Artair Branson (onion soup hero, Prem): adapted reaction to revisiting, onion soup now actually counts as food
  • Adsiniliya Wüstenschnee (Prem fire elf, Thorwal): introduced alcohol effect
  • Random encounter beggar: hint is now displayed when he thanks you
  • The old bailey: drunk effect and satiating introduced with Master Dramosch after-dungeon-party
  • Goblin cave: fixed bat encounter responses
  • FtG, Hasgar: Items are removed on quest completion
  • dwarven mine: Fixed dialogue headline bug
  • FtG, Baerhag: Final dialogue fixed (now can get one or both of the quest rewards properly)
  • dwarven mine: Speartraps are deactivated properly when pulling the arm of the statue
  • Fixed tavern info in Skelellen and journey duration to Phexcaer
  • Fixed tavern info in Thoss regarding resting places
  • Hyggelik ruin: fixed several text keys
  • dwarven mine: fixed several text keys
  • FtG, mysterious wooded area: adapted chest loot
  • FtG, Rukian: lock picks break properly at Zerif, text keys fixed, questbook entries fixed
  • XP for "magically knocked out" enemies fixed
  • Daspota treasure cave: trap "singing blade" fixed
  • drinking a wonder potion now results in an empty bottle
  • dragon cave: holes and dead dwarf now trigger multiple times
  • black mages ruin: removed agility check
  • undead ronald moves again
  • Thorwal armory: added hint that it only can be entered once (even with both documents)
  • Event strange marshes text keys fixed
  • Event Monolith, several text keys fixed
  • a lot of typos fixed
  • Hermit dialogue fixed
  • spider cave: Spider nests can now only be ignited once
  • FtG, Hasgar: added hint for actual delivery of the quest items
  • FtG, mysterious wooded area: The spider webs can now be ignited by equipped torches as well
  • Daspota treasure cave: moved bedroom trigger, loot can only be received once
  • introduced abandoned Firun temple (according to hint in Skelellen)
  • Travel event hunter's hut (meeting the hunter) fixed
  • Bug "Magic staff endlessly sellable"fixed
  • Bug "weather and clock on the top left corner disappear after showing a scene" fixed
  • Levelup: current AE/Vi is increased correctly
  • fixed bartering at the blacksmith
  • Tavern: "We are looking for you" with random name fixed
  • Fixed sleeping party members not waking up on damage
  • Fixed journey speed not respecting different road types
  • reworked all journey hunting events
  • Unicorn-Event: fixed several text keys as well as checking existing map parts
  • fixed missing inn hints (concerned Serske and the roud inns)
  • loading from the main menu doesn't reset to "professional" difficulty any more
  • loading ingame correctly resets dungeon chest contents
  • The Old Bailey: fixed corpse textkeys
  • descriptions of the miracle cure fixed
  • fixed wrong routes in "through the wilderness" (Skelellen-Kravik and Rovamund-Peilinen)
  • included ranged attack penalties for opponents in the shield descriptions
  • introduced hints and a quest to the ork cave
  • FtG, Rukian: added some missing Quest markers
  • Item "red lunar disc": added description and effects
  • Hyggelik ruin: replaced Heshtots by ghosts
  • Olimone (Strange marshes) now gives the recipe for a strong healing potion instead of a normal one
  • Hetman: new text for visiting "afterfinal"
  • Alchemy recipes now include duration
  • Hyggelik ruin: prevented multiple triggering of the final battle
  • Fixed bug on settings on settings of "Calm Body"
  • Dungeon AmbientLight after battles fixed ("too dark after battles")
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