Patch 0.3.4 has been deployed.

Author: From Steam
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2023
RUMBLE Game Banner
Genre: Action, Sports, Early Access
Developer: Buckethead Entertainment
Release Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2022


We're back at it again with another one of our small patches, y'all. You can read all about what we've done this time around in the patch notes down below.

Results of the Shiftstone Feedback Form

Last week we shared a Google Form with you wherein we asked questions about how you feel about Shiftstones. We've gotten just over 80 responses, which is fantastic, and we very much appreciate the fact that you took the time to give us your feedback.

Now the results are quite conclusive. On every question, the same 4 stones ranked as the least liked without fail. These stones are the Vigor Stone, the Surge Stone, the Adamant Stone, and the Stubborn Stone. You may notice that these stones are also the 4 stones that have passive effects that trigger automatically, rather than the other 4 that have active effects where you have to actively play around the Shiftstone.

We are already in the midst of reworking those 4 passive Shiftstones so that you can actively play with and/or around their effects. We won't change much about what they can do for you at their cores, AKA Vigor will still heal and Stubborn will still have knockback related effects, but how these benefits are reaped will be changed drastically. In the future we will completely avoid adding any Shiftstones that are purely passive in nature. Thanks again for your feedback, and we hope you look forward to seeing the upcoming changes to these stones!

That's all for today, folks, we hope this new patch improves your experience playing RUMBLE!

RUMBLE Version 0.3.4 Patch Notes


  • The instructions that appear on the computer monitor when no OpenXR is found have been updated.


  • An issue was fixed that caused the auto-kill system to trigger the instant players stopped touching a structure after being airborne for a while.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented dust particles from casting and receiving shadows properly across all environments.
  • Fixed a bug that led spoof duplicates of the host player's Shiftstones being placed at the center of arenas.
  • A problem that led to particularly low friction on the Ring arena has been solved.

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