7.4 "Mega Content Patch" update is here!

Author: From Steam
Date: Sat, 27 May 2023
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, Sports
Developer: Erik Asmussen
Release Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015
7.4 was just made available to all players. It has a ton of new content, improvements, and fixes.

New Levels

This is Fort. It's a throwback to the classic Mario Kart 64 multiplayer level Block Fort, remade and optimized for Disco Dodgeball. The one big difference is there's a route onto the forts from near the middle, and of course the addition of glowy LED lights. It adds a lot of verticality to the combat and confers a great advantage to those able to maintain the high ground. It's particularly good for objective-based modes like Capture The Cube.

This is Aquarium, and is a level created by the player SerialHugger (thanks!!). It involves a single walkway connecting the two spawns, some curved ramps leading to a lower fish observation area and some higher side walkways as well. It's very open and rewards those with good long range timing & accuracy.

New Modes

Elimination Hoops

A hybrid of two classic modes. To win a round, either score a single hoop or eliminate the entire enemy team. The first team or FFA player to the target number of round victories will win the match. It's an intense mode that requires the right balance of caution and aggressiveness, and players will need to use their intuition to know when is the right time to go for the goal.

Bonus Ball

This is Deathmatch with a Super Ball twist. Most KOs count for one point, but KOs with the golden ball are worth 5. Additionally, players can toss the Super Ball through the hoop for a bonus 5 points.

Score Hunter

Similar to Headhunter, this is an Elimination variant where the winner is determined by reaching a particular Score. Rounds will continue until the score target is reached. It forces players to abandon their cautious Elimination strategy and go all-out. But of course, acting too bold can easily get you eliminated as well.

New Features

  • You can now choose the team setting 'Random', which will shuffle between 2 Team and FFA modes.
  • You can now choose the mode setting 'Random + Expert', which will select a random mode including the more complex Expert modes. A good way to add some variety to your rooms if you've been playing for a while and are comfortable with advanced rule sets.

New Custom Mode rule options

  • Allow Time Limit Options (makes default time limit options appear in match settings)
  • Score Limit Option (displays specified score limit option in match settings)
  • Round Victory Limit Option (same, with round victories)
  • Time Limit Option (same, with time limits)
  • DefaultRoundVictoryLimit2P...12P (specifies default round victory limit based on number of players if mode is rotated to via Random mode settings)
  • UseCumulativeScore (makes match victory dependent on sum of round scores, useful when making elimination hybrid modes like Headhunter

Adjustments / Improvements / Fixes

  • Attrition and Headhunter are now part of the Classic modes, so they'll pop up during default random mode rotation
  • Grand Prix removed from Classic modes, is now part of Expert modes
  • Headhunter is now FFA only
  • Nerfed homing ball strength
  • Homing on friendly target is much stronger
  • Increased aim proximity requirement for selecting friendy player as homing target
  • Pooled some 3D score text objects and Kill Log items to prevent frame hiccups
  • Added new cylinder mesh to Capture Point to increase visibility (especially when particles are turned off in video settings)
  • Removed lock-on that prevents homing target from changing after reaching certain charge threshold
  • Checkpoints new cylinder mesh, and do a better job of fading in and out
  • Removed extraneous ‘First to 1’ header text in Hunter v Hunted and Hoop Defense modes
  • Fixed random Elimination FFA matches not using the correct round victory limit (3)
  • Fixed Kart Race summing all participants’ scores instead of using leader score
  • Match Settings will load default score limit when changing game mode even if that new mode has a score limit option that matches the currently loaded limit (prevening things like inadvertently setting a Hoops match to 100 if switching from a Super Ball match with limit 100)
  • Fixed switching teams making you ineligible to vote on match settings
  • Bots can prioritize the Super Ball if a KO with it is worth more points
  • Fixed admin Kick function kicking all players in room
  • Team / FFA rule is incorporated into main score subtitle (e.g. “Team Deathmatch”)
  • Headhunter has match score limit (via useCumulativeScore), not a set number of rounds
  • Added hard limit of 18 for maxTeamPlayers custom rule
  • Announcer Says ‘round won’ when you complete an arcade level
  • Fixed bot lighting in Chasm
  • Fixed jetpack particles on Bots not synching to clients
  • Fixed error in sometimes initializing perk progress items before stats were downloaded, resulting in extraneous progress notifications
  • Fixed VO clips sometimes overlapping
  • Better prioritization of VO clips - multiKill > rare trick shots > rampage > on Fire > extinguish > 4+ streak > random taunt > common trick shots > 2+ streak
  • Easy Bots speed restriction is now overridden by Behavior Zones, allowing them to jump across gaps
  • Fixed inventory display counts not updating when returning to inventory after crafting
  • Fixed hyphens being disallowed in player names

Special thanks to all the players who've been participating in the forums and provided the feedback necessary to catch & fix all these issues.

Enjoy the new modes & maps! As always, feedback is welcome on the forums.


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