Now Available on Steam - Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake, 20% off!

Author: From Steam
Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2023
Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Developer: SleepNinja Games
Release Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014

Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake is Now Available on Steam and is 20% off!*

Warning: This game is crammed full of monsters, cake, amazing powers, puzzly bits, epic adventure, witty repartee, secret paths, unlockable characters, silly hats and a wiener dog. Use caution if you are allergic to fun or overly sensitive to cake-related pathos.

What starts out as a mission to get back Niko's birthday cake becomes a quest for the fate of Gogapoe itself. But, ya know, cake is still super important, too! Oodles of friendly monsters will join Niko's quest and use their kooky powers to help him explore the island, solve puzzles, demolish obstacles, and just generally humiliate enemies. Hordes of evil monsters will cause mayhem and generally be jerkfaces, but that's nothing you can't fix with headbutts, frost breath, stink clouds and rainbow barf.

*Offer ends July 8 at 10AM Pacific Time

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