Update 2.0 is now being processed...

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024
Game: Incorp Inc
Incorp Inc Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Jippo Media
Release Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2017
We are finally ready to release the update that will make the game into what it should have been from the beginning - Without major bugs!


2.0 will be split into 2 parts (with 3-4 days in between) because we really want this to go as smooth as possible and then we can look for bugs or other things in between before we can say that the game is officially awesome.

The game has been remade from scratch and I would like to call this update a "huge facelift".

We have changed a lot of the mechanics, added many other features and most important of all - Fixed the most problems with the AI and workers.

Part 1 of the update is being processed right now and should go be out and ready within the next few hours or so.

The first part will include ALL BASIC FEATURES - which means that the game will contain most of the things as the current version has but with more content and features.

Part 2 will feature more content towards the epic mega mode and more multiplayer features + many new achievements and we are also going to introduce trading cards in part 2. This update will also include the stock trading market that will be real time and the ability to research further.

When we have released this update we are going to introduce the game on all available mobile platforms (Ipad/android tablet/windows tablet etc) and when we do that - everyone one who owns the game on Steam will be able to download the game on the tablet and continue playing there.

We will also introduce some new game modes that will allow you to play with friends and to make it even more interesting we are going to have competitions and prices.


(We will post an update with all 2.0 features as soon as we see that it has been published to all of our customers on all platforms here on Steam)

Also while we are pushing out update 2.0 you will be able to play the old version of the game (if you really want to) by right clicking on the game in your steam library and then choose the beta tab and click on "incorp_original"

This is the biggest update I've ever done.. All code has been rewritten and we believe that you will be amazed!

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