Space Tyrant got an update!
Author: indiefoldcreator
Thu, 15 Dec 2022
Game: Space Tyrant
- New fleet commanders
- New Tyrant Titles
- Speed Mode added ( Right Ctrl+. )
- New Astron Shield textures
- Explores award Utility cards
Balance Changes:
- TechnoSlug ship costs lowered
- Oppression now awards 5 (normal) / 10 (Monopolize) Tyranny
- Capture and Hold (Cores) difficulty slightly reduced
- Hard Mode difficulty slightly reduced
- Very Hard events made more inticing
- Astron Carrier power nerfed
- Several unreachable event options/results now accessible
- All empires no longer erroneously getting +1 tech pick
- Alt-tech no longer breaks several ships higher-tier powers
- Mercenaries card siege effect no longer persists
- Tactics Unlock percent displays correctly
- Laser Strike effect no longer does 2x to shielded ships
- Nebula Beam-reduction effect now has an icon
- Dance Crew (aka Defection) now usable on friendly planets
- Hunter fleets now have a hunting indicator
- War icon has correct size in mission details
- Fleet leaders from some prisons no longer get wrong empire command ship
- Mac cloud sync fixed
- Siege artifacts descriptions updated
- Fixed hitch in Overlord Cripple animation
- Starmap Continue no longer visible if no Mission is clicked
- All Cores Achievement fixed
- Commander Execution Achievement fixed
- Space Shark laser sound softened
- Siege Crusher activates on the correct number of dice
- Barracks Disarm power art fixed
- Entrap duration now matches visual fx
- Bzzerk Carrier perk now correctly awards a carrier instead of destroyers
- Converstion cards cannot target homeworlds
- Hoplite cheap militia perk reduction now matches description
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