Birthday Sale!

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 04 May 2023
1 Screen Platformer Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: Return To Adventure Mountain, LLC
Release Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2019

Hey first off. It is my birthday this week. Hold your breath. This post isn’t me fishing for compliments. I turn 40 next year and that means I don’t really care about birthdays anymore.

Really this post is about you. You see when it is my birthday I put all my games on sale. Look up there you see that. 1 Screen Platformer is on sale. FOR 50 CENTUM (that is latin for cents kids).


Now I only have 1 game on Steam (for now) so I am sorry but that is the only thing I can discount for you.

Now you are probably like awwww that hard working game dev is selling his game for pennies. I really wish I could give him something. Close eyes. Nod head. I think I have an idea.

If you really really want to get me something. Just click over to the main store page there and review the game. You don’t have to give it a good one. I don’t care what you rate it. Just put a review up there. Listen to your heart bro nobody is going to listen to it for you.

Happy birthday to me. Hope you like it there is only one size and one color and I threw away the receipt.

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