Build 4137 - Balance changes detailed

Author: From Steam
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2023
King Arthur's Gold Game Banner
Genre: Action, Free to Play, Indie
Developer: Transhuman Design
Release Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2013
Hi all,

Below further details on the balance changes introduced in build 4137. In a week you will find a pop-up in-game with a link to a poll to vote on these changes by logging into your KAG account!

Update post:

Major balance/gameplay changes:
Ballistas no longer let you respawn or change class on them - they're now only a siege machine. Their cost was reduced from 200 to 150 coins and they no longer need gold to build.
Added OUTPOSTS - they can be bought in crates from the siege shop. When unpacked, they are a 5x5 blocks building which lets you respawn on it, change class or use it as a tunnel. Also has a storage in it.
Catapults now launch items (e.g. lit kegs) with bigger force (110%)
Catapults now launch players with smaller force (75%)
Catapult rocks do more damage to structures

More heat from drilling dirt and ore
Less heat from drilling stone blocks, other players, doors and patlforms
Higher max heat
Slower cooldown
Can't pickup overheated drills anymore (they used to damage you and instantly drop; now they just can't be picked up)

Build time changes:
Nearly two times faster building as builder
Resupplies do not require tent or builder shop anymore
Resupplies every 30 seconds instead of every 40

Builder/structure changes:
You can destroy player-built blocks slightly faster
You can now repair doors and platforms similar to how you can repair stone and wood blocks
Quarries removed
Doors no longer absorb slashes (or jabs). This means 2 things:
a) knights can slash/jab multiple doors at once
b) knights will now be able to damage players next to doors (some builders used doors to pretty much be invincible to slashes and jabs. This is no longer possible)
Moreover, wooden doors are weaker against sword attacks and bombs in general.
Shaky doors (unsupported) get more damage now (125%)
Stone doors are weaker against bombs

Knight changes:
Water bombs now do more knockback

Archer changes:
Water arrows now stack to 1
Water arrows now cost 15 coins per one
Water arrows do a slight knockback now
Fire arrows now stun (like normal arrows) on close range fullshot hit
Fire arrows now light team kegs (if they're on the ground, not carried) too

Economy changes:
More coin gain from combat (especially for builders)
Less coin loss on death
Teamkills no longer cause coin loss
Added 600 coin limit (Disabled during the in-game christmas holiday)
Less coin gain from hitting siege

Other changes:
You can now move faster in water
Saws now have a special interaction with bombs; bombs will get propelled in a semi-random direction when thrown into a saw and will explode faster (instead of exploding instantly). This also means the so-called "sawjump" is no longer possible
Trampolines now have 360-angle rotation instead of step-based rotation. You can hold LMB to use the old step-based rotation and can hold RMB to lock rotation in place
Updated CTF and SmallCTF mapcycles

QOL/Visual changes:
Knight now has additional animation frames when crouching & shielding
Keg explosions now make your screen shake. This can be disabled in the settings if you find it annoying.
Added spectator queue - Spectators can now queue to join a team and will be automatically put into the team whenever there's a free slot
Added game state (start of building time/start of match) banners

Bug fixes/minor changes:
Fixed some bugs, including the dinghy-flying glitch
Patched exploits, ranging from spawning in items, soft locking the server and potential server crashesMinor GUI fixes
Throwing bombs with high ping is easier now
Putting items in inventory with high ping is easier now
Dead bodies now open teambridges

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