Poöf Update

Author: From Steam
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023
Game: Poöf
Poöf Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, Strategy
Developer: Arkedo
Release Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2013
Hello everyone,

Thank you so much for playing Poöf and enjoying it !
Thank you also for all your feedbacks (positive and negative), very important to us.

Here are some new and fixed stuff about Poöf:
- The Steam Trading Cards are finally available since begginning of the week.
- The bugged achievements (Saws) are fixed.
- You were a lot to say the "Knife effect" (slowing movement when a knife hits an ennemy) was annoying. So we changed it. It still exists but it is a lot more discrete.
- Fixed crash in Leaderboard.
- Other minor fixes

Eggsplosion of love !
Neko and Arkedo

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