The Last Friend... Is going to the Moon? (Or gold in this case woof!)

Author: From Steam
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2022
The Last Friend Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, Strategy
Developer: The Stonebot Studio
Release Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021
Greetings Frens!

Today is a super exciting day, so much so we're all zooming about! Either that, or we've had too much coffee...

Starting off, we'd like to apologize for the long silence and explain why we've been keeping things so close to the dog house!

First and foremost, we've been working on the game like crazy based on the feedback we've received but most importantly we didn't want to over-promise and under-deliver.

That also means...vastly more doggos! We've added a few packs to bark the least!

With that said, the game has come a very long way since we last spoke, and we're happy to announce The Last Friend will be releasing on September 30th, 2021 on PC platforms and of course on Nintendo Switch. Doggos on the go!

That's right, in only a month's time, you'll be able to finally rescue all the doggos you can while taking out hordes of baddies in our Tower Defense X Brawler title.

If that wasn't exciting enough, we've got a bunch of treats to hand out! May want to grab a seat for this - In the very near future, we'll be releasing The Last Friend: First Bite.

This is a demo that will let you experience several thrilling levels while waiting to get your copy of the game.

Oh, who are we kidding, why wait to get your copy when you can Pre-Order it today?!

We've got three pawesome bundles available for you to pick from including the limited 'True Frens' edition which immortalizes your dog in-game!

Now, how cool is that?

Seriously, we're not kidding. Your dog will actually be inside the game as imagined by our amazing artists...

You'll want to tell everyone about this amazing deal. Friends, loved ones, gaming buddies, your favorite streamer, coworkers, everyone, even your dog if he has a Paypal account!

Help support us by getting the word out for a game that is all about saving humanity's best frens. Plus you can pet the dogs while taking a break from building your amazing turret-fueled defenses..

Lastly, we wanted to remind you that joining our Discord where the devs hang out is a great way to talk with fellow dog owners. You can talk about the game there too, we guess. And you can also meet our loveable chihuahua T.Juan!

Find us at

Seriously, do it for T.Juan and Alpha. Do it for

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