What’s Coming to Early Access

Author: From Steam
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2023
Robo Revenge Squad Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie
Developer: Rikodu
Release Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2022

Get your chainsaws ready!

Frankie’s Revenge is unleashed upon the world in less than a week, so what better time to talk about what's coming in Early Access? Here’s a quick rundown.

Starting with your trusty robot components, you will begin the game with a few basic parts but will be able to unlock up to 20, as you gain experience and level up. Each part gives you some unique skills or abilities and you can mix and match them in any combinations and further customize your creation with more than 50 additional skins.

There are 13 missions to play through, organized in two campaigns, with the dreaded Juicy Joe waiting for you at the end of the first campaign. For those of you that like a challenge, you can test your skills in Challenging or Hard difficulty, or just pick Easy for a fun, relaxing experience.

As shared in an earlier update, Early Access starts with full support for both local and online multiplayer, or any combination of the two. It’s super easy to get together with friends or just find a public game and join up to smash robots together.

There’s lots more of course, so join the developers on the official Discord to ask any burning questions you might have or start looking for your co-op partner now. And don’t forget to wishlist if you haven’t already, so you’ll get notified when we launch next week!

Changes since Closed Beta

For those of you that played the beta, here’s a high-level overview of what you can expect

  • 4 additional missions, including one boss fight
  • A lot more hideout customization options and part skins to unlock
  • Rebalanced difficulty and pacing
  • Stable online play (yep, that’s what we spent most of our time on!)
  • Too many bugfixes to count

Coming up – localization and another boss fight!

There are two features that we were hoping to include in the Early Access release but didn’t quite make it. We really wanted to launch in multiple languages, but the effort proved too much with all the online stability fixes and other pre-release work. So rather than deliver a subpar experience, we decided to hold off on this one even though it’s almost fully implemented. It’s so close to done in fact, that you can already select various languages in the build but be aware that we’re not officially supporting them yet.

The other one is the boss fight at the end of the second campaign. The dreaded Le Kraque proved too much for us and again, not wanting to deliver a subpar experience we decided to include him in a later patch. But rest assured – Le Kraque is coming, and soon!

We’re also working on a few other features that are planned for release in the first couple of months of Early Access and will be revealed in the next few weeks.

Stay tuned!

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