Free Content Update - Patch Notes - 1.2.0 (2934040)

Author: From Steam
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2024
Nova Nukers! Game Banner
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie
Developer: Alchemist Interactive
Release Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2018

Hello everyone! It's finally here: The big content update you have all been waiting for! We have spent the time after the release of Nova Nukers! to listen to your feedback, ideas and bug reports. We have been working on improving and expanding the game in the last few months and we hope you enjoy the huge amount of things we added! This update contains a new planet to unlock and play on, 4 new game modes to enjoy and experiment with item settings. We also added emotes! You can now show off to your opponents after a great play or just lay around on a planet enjoying the view. Existing planets also got a makeover: Glazios, Barrid and Dolcaneta all got unique mechanics that make gameplay more interesting! There are some more new features and many more changes and bugfixes. Check out the detailed patch notes below for more information!

With the release of this update also comes a free weekend and a huge sale, so tell your friends to try out the game with you and get it at a great price!

Nova Nukers! Free Content Update - Patch 1.2.0


New Features


  • Use Emotes to show your opponents what's up! We added 15 different animated emotes, 3 for each of the 5 characters! Use them in game and find your favourites!
  • We also added emotes on the scoreboard! You can react with happy, sad or angry emojis to show your feelings, in online and local matches.

New Planet!

Mykoloss is an exotic planet, overgrown with with dense moss and various types of mushrooms! Jump across the raised caps of the Lavatops and attack your opponents from above while listening to the planet's awesome new soundtrack! Bounce high on the spore-spraying Jumpshrooms and dash through wooden roots, Twinshrooms and Poisonarcs. Long matches on Mykoloss are especially exciting because all of these mushrooms regrow over time!

Planet Mechanics!

  • The ice on Glazios is now really frozen and slippery! Be careful to not slide into craters and the dangerous core.
  • Barrid is now occupied by a rude Sandstorm! Get too close and you will be sucked inside and flung across the planet.
  • The lollipops on Dolcaneta have become explosive! Don't stay close for too long or you will get stunned by a chain reaction of explosions.

New Game Modes & Modifiers!

Super Brawl
Super Brawl is a modifier for Catch Match. It's like Catch Match but you can respawn after you got caught!

Flag Chase
Capture the flag! Catch the flag objective and prevent your opponents from stealing it by running away. Catch Point is still in the game but is now a modifier for this game mode!

Coin Rain
Catch them all! Coins rain from the sky all over the planet, collect sets of 8 to gain points. You can also steal the coins from other players!

Cursed Coin
Cursed Coin is a modifier for Coin Rain. It's still raining coins, but one of the coins is not like the others. Collecting the cursed coin will curse and eliminate you after a short time. Stun an opponent to get rid of it and pass on the curse to that player!

More New Features!

  • Players will now be immune to stuns for a short time after being stunned, preventing stun-locks!
  • Added short hints visible during loading screens!
  • Added more game options! Play with or without player indicators or planet mechanics.
  • Added an option to mute the game while it is minimized.


  • Item boxes now spawn in a wider radius around the flag objective in Flag Chase and Catch Point. They now also despawn when the flag has been successfully captured.
  • Changed extensive glow effects to no longer obstruct a players view when they are close to the camera. Also applies to game objectives and the orbital laser.
  • Changed the characters in game idle animation.
  • Moved the Catch Time option from the game mode menu to the game options menu.
  • Adjusted UI highlights for better readability on certain bright backgrounds.
  • Adjusted UI text colors in menu, raffle and intro screens for better readability and consistency.
  • Changed item boxes and game objectives to be able to spawn and exist on a planets core.
  • Small localisation tweaks.
  • Reordered the bot difficulty list for mouse and controller interaction to be consistent.
  • Updated item drop system to be compatible with many game modes and adjusted general item droprates for each game mode.
  • Adjusted in game pause menu background for better readability.
  • Updated point animations in the scoreboard to increase their speed when a lot of points are distributed.


  • Fixed an issue where camera sensitivity would not adjust properly when switching between mouse and keyboard and controller while starting the tutorial.
  • Dashing while affected by slowing effects no longer causes the character to be stuck in the dash recovery for longer than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where weapons and items in the characters hands were not disappearing during the dash.
  • Fixed an issue where the smoke effect of the Smokeshell would not fade out correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the in game outlines of different game mode objectives where not displayed properly.
  • Fixed an issue where background skyboxes in the main menu would not fade properly.
  • Fixed an issue where platform button icons were missing when using mouse and keyboard to edit profiles.
  • Fixed an issue with player indicators not appearing and disappearing as intended when respawning.
  • Fixed an issue where the leading player's crown would not appear or disappear properly on player indicators.
  • Fixed an issue with camera movement when entering the pause menu while a cam shake is active.
  • Fixed an issue where being eliminated with an active Aurora would leave the player immune to stuns indefinitely after respawning.
  • Fixed an issue where the scoreboard animations would not be displayed correctly when a lot of points were scored.
  • Fixed an issue where parts of the unlock effect would reappear after the animation was completed.
  • Fixed an issue with stun related stats not being tracked correctly, affecting item progression.
  • Fixed an issue with some conditions required for Achievement unlocks not working properly.
  • Fixed an issue where PS4 platform button icons for bot diffculty and character skin settings were not displayed properly while in the character selection.
  • Fixed an issue where the "simple models in splitscreen" option would reset after playing a match.
  • Fixed an issue where game settings would not be reset properly when encountering a network error.
  • Fixed an issue where the respawn timer would stop when entering the pause menu while playing online.
  • Fixed an issue where the overtime would stop when entering the pause menu while playing online.
  • Fixed an issue where some sound effects would not be played correctly while playing online.
  • Fixed an issue with menu interactability and the countdown in the character selection when canceling ready state while playing online.
  • Fixed an issue where controller vibration was not triggered properly when getting caught while playing online.

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