Update 1.4 - Kema

Author: From Steam
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024
Unfortunate Spacemen Game Banner
Genre: Action, Free to Play, Indie, Strategy
Developer: Geoff 'Zag' Keene
Release Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2020

Greetings, humans! Well, most of you are humans.

Humans and everyone else, listen up!

Update 1.4 "Kema" has arrived! This update brings an entirely new map, two major map reworks, loads of balance changes, other bug fixes, quality of life, and some VOIP improvements!


Old to few, but new to most, introducing the latest map; Kema! This icy mining outpost has been rumored to be cursed, going through multiple overhauls and rennovations to shed this image. Perhaps this time The Company got it right? Only one way to find out! This medium-sized map is now available to everyone, and easily supports all player counts. Do watch out for the drill.


A large part of this update was sorting out why VOIP issues persist, and where. The Company is dedicated to providing a clean and efficient communicaiton system for all personnel, so your last words are always crystal clear.

We identified one major issue with VOIP was that some Spacemen were far too quiet, and others were simply far too loud, creating an environment where hearing everyone was out of reach at times. Along with boosting VOIP volume across the board, our VOIP improvements in this update are adding individual VOIP sliders for every single person.

Simply access the player in the Lobby, F1 player list, or end-round screens, and adjust their volume to your heart's content. This should resolve most cases where one particularly quiet player, and one particularly loud player, are no longer competing for your eartention.


We did a pass on hitboxes, meaning you will only take bullets in location where you would be reasonably expected to take bullets. This should also diminish cases where bullets might pass through targets when they shouldn't. We're basically an eSport now.


A bunch of small tweaks and new additions to sounds and animations on the HUD have been done to improve readability in certain situations, such as when a parasite decides to take its relationship with your face a bit further, or when a Monster chomps your feet. Or when a Spaceman syringes you as you hide amongst them.


As you know, last patch we added some new damage sounds for things like taking damage from fire. Well, in this update, we've made them better, and added even more! Now when you're standing in a puddle of acid, or getting hit by grenade shrapnel, or losing a fight with the void of space, you'll hear it better than ever.


Hatcheries planted by a Monster with the Crumerian Host perk will no longer reset all of their health when they evolve to the next level of Hatchery. This means they will instead transfer the current percentage of their health when leveling up, so if you got a Hatchery to 50%, it will now be at 50% health with its new health values.

As an addendum, Drones can now be seen through walls with the Thermal Vision Enhancer. Spicy.


As part of our on-going effort to balance perks, improve anti-fun mechanics (mostly revolving around unavoidable instant death), and give each Monster Mutation perk its own identity, Acid Beast is moving further into an "area-denial" role. Acid Bombs no longer detonate with the force of a thousand suns, but instead burst into a growing acid puddle. To help with this, all Acid Puddles now deal much higher damage and are strictly on The Company's "Do Not Tread" list.

Be not afraid, however! All those years of Janitor School have paid off. The Fire Extinguisher can now extinguish Acid Puddles.


The Monster Mutation perk "Corpse Lord" has received some major rebalancing in this update. Zombies have received a health nerf, and large improvements to their ability to find targets on some of the more wonky maps, such as those with teleporters or (JUB FORBID) knee-high coffee tables.

This perk has also lost the ability to eat bodies without a trace as we felt it was just a bit TOO STRONG and left little for the Spacemen to grow paranoid about. We feel this perk is now in a much better place, and more in line with the rest of the perks in its class. We'll be monitoring changes like this very closely.


Some penalties have been reduced on The Tribunal. Not visiting the Tribunal will result in a smaller loss of points than before, and the Monster no longer loses points for skipping The Tribunal. This was done to give the Monster more tactical options during a round.


To improve readability of which stage of Shuttle Rescue the round is currently in, the Rescue Shuttle no longer touches down until the doors are ready to open. Now, the Rescue Shuttle will hover for 30 seconds before touching down and opening the doors, instead of idling on the Landing Pad for that duration. Don't get squished!


Airlocks now show their current cooldown on the center of the glass. This will give personnel a better read on when an airlock is ready to be activated again. ... Speaking of airlocks, let's talk about Tidal Lock.


Tidal Lock is the first of two maps that have gotten a rework in this update. The bottom floor of Tidal Lock -- the one with the shops and all that -- is completely gone. Tidal Lock is now two floors, and many of the navigation pathways have been improved, as well as readability of the scenery, the appearance of the surrounding skybox and atmosphere of the planet, and many other tweaks to improve flow. Enjoy a new, safer experience, where death is no longer around every corner... Just, you know, still a lot of them. Be careful out there!


The cube has opened. The number holes have shifted place. The Undercheese has arrived. What does any of this mean? That's what The Company is trying to figure out, and with the new and improved Experiment, you can help them solve it. Monsters should find this territory far more welcoming with an expanded playspace and many new paths and avenues for terrorizing the mice within this maze.

Enjoy this new and improved rework of The Experiment.


As this update reworks two maps and adds a new one, we thought this was a good time to address the stress around Duress. We love Duress. We want it to be a strong, happy map, that runs well on everyone's gaming rigs. Therefore, Duress has been removed from the game AND WILL RETURN SOON with a full rework targeting navigation of the map, performance concerns, Tram issues, and, well, just about everything else.

Duress, we look forward to your re-appearance in the future and we promise your BUMPIN' SOUNDTRACK will stay intact.


It's here. Based on a concept from community member Misfortunee, the Space Hunk has finally arrived in the item store! Suit up with this tight-fit look and flex on your foes (and friends.) Show people these space-buns mean space-business.


Ah yeah, we have a TON of new helmets. The Replicant Helmet is available to everyone who reaches rank 37.

For the rest of the helmets (available on the Item Store) we'll let our pictures do the talking!


We have two new animated visors as well. The Borealis and Nebula visors will bring color to an otherwise dull existence in space, also available on the Item Store.


The good folks over at RuneStorm have offered their services in helping us keep our facilities clean. We've contracted out some of their janitors and you may see them milling about the stations from time to time. Anyone who owns Viscera Cleanup Detail on Steam will receive a suit and helmet that screams "I just work here."


To celebrate the casual cooperation of Viscera Cleanup Detail, a new victory pose, Mop 'Em Up! is now available on the item store. But that's not all! Feeling like a party animal? Grab the Space Monkey victory pose and show everyone else how it's done.


There are four new achievements to obtain, and loads of new sprays tied to these new achievements, as well as a bunch of existing achievements. Big thanks to everyone who submitted Sprays, and please don't hesitate to continue submitting them on our Discord.


We fixed a bunch of little things all over the place, as we always do, including a few pretty big ones that have been plaguing the community.

As always, you can read the FULL PATCH NOTES for more details and all other changes, and check out the Development Starmap for our plans towards 1.5 and beyond!

That's all for now! Whatever comes next, I suppose we'll just have to wait and--

Castra FT-08, the Sun rose in the East. It's morning now. Rise and shine. Distract, disrupt and diminish.


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