TOXIKK Build 1.1.6 is live

Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024
TOXIKK™ Game Banner
Genre: Action, Free to Play, Indie
Developer: Reakktor Studios
Release Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2016

Yet another update for our pure blood Arena FPS:

01 - CHANGES - Server-Launcher Changes

  • On some win7 machines the launched game server instance did not get launched properly and left a zombie process. This was fixed.

  • Now deletes all subdirectory configuration files first on every launch to avoid compatibility issues with older versions.

  • Now supports SS "shortcut" for launching SquadSurvival

  • Is now on version 1.7

02 - CHANGE - Map & Game Mode Voting:

  • Servers are now configured with an auto map rotation in case nobody voted for another game. It's adaptive now.

  • Game tries to pick a different map compared to the last (if the following rules are met)

    it keeps the gamemode

    it only picks maps which are available to ALL currently connected players

    you can now vote for the next "rotating" map/game --> maprotation is now generally more like a next-map-suggestion
    --> so Admins you may want to update your MapList.ini files

  • 03 - Map Voting Fixes:

  • Map Voting now supports more than 255 entries

  • Spectator fixes, features:
    the decission if you want to use 1p or 3p spectating mode is now persistant. If you close the game with 1p-spec, it will be 1p-spec next time you boot the game
  • If you join as spectator between SquadSurvival rounds...

    --your firstperson spectator-view wasn't updated correctly
    AND --you occasionally got the DOF effect until next round...fixed
    If you joined as regular player between SquadSurvival rounds, you weren't able to see your stats if the game ended..fixed

  • Morel UI changes/fixes:

  • Total "HealthPower/Points" in the hudplayerlist didn't get updated if the players health increased. This was fixed.

  • Spectated enemy armor was still not correctly displayed in all game modes. Fixed

  • The total SC display bar in the Endgame reward screen wasn't handeling the case when you reached the SC maximum and displayed an empty bar. Fixed.

  • The player list of the server browser's server details, the SC of new joining players was occasionally displayed with "255" until the browser gets refreshed. It now displays a "?" instead.

  • Matchmaking: now tries a bit longer searching for populated servers in your region. If there are currently no players in your region matching your search criteria, you are now getting asked you if you want to expand your search to all regions (or preferably to all Skill Classes in your region)
    MXP reward balancing: -Flawless Victory from 500 to 300mxp
    SC calculation has been tweaked again. Players reached too fast high SCs so they were more likely matched with too good players

  • LAN support: joining lan games for Freeplayers is currently only working with the "open ip+port" command.

  • This patch we give you at least the abillity to join lan games via steam-serverbrowser..BUT note you have to host an "internet" game to let the sever appear in the steambrowser...even if you are in a lan

  • if you are joining late a game which already has same teamsizes, you now going to join the stronger team if the "balancing-bot" has a better "SkillClass" then you. If bot-autobalance-teams is disabled, you will join the weaker team.

  • You now stay with your team during map travels. BUT that just means it's now only more likely that you actually keep your team if the initial auto-balancing is done. This depends on how many other players are joined/left/switched teams
  • Write your comment!