Build Update 2 Unstable 4 Released

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2023
Rise to Ruins Game Banner
Genre: Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Raymond Doerr
Release Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

*Brushes dust off podium*
Hello? *tap tap*
Is this thing on? Hello?
*clears throat*
Ahem.. anyway..

Rise to Ruins Update 2 Unstable 4 has finally arrived, is content complete, and brings in the brand news goals system! Once Update 2 is out of testing, the new goals system will link up with Steam, adding one of the most requested features in Rise to Ruins history; 🎉Steam Achievements!🎉

This patch has obviously been a long time coming, and I'm hoping after a bit of play testing, I can get the full Rise to Ruins Update 2 out the door, activate the achievements in Steam and start work on Update 3.

I am looking for plenty of feedback on the goals and achievement system, the balance, and ideas for more. Feel free to spam me anywhere that works for you with your ideas, and they may very well become official Steam achievements!

I have also started streaming game development of Rise to Ruins, Rise to Ruins 2 (yes it's true!), and Rayvo2D, my new engine. If you're interested in following development more closely, you're welcome to either join the discord or follow me on Twitch.

If you find a bug, you can report it on the Steam Bugs Forums or Discord!

Previous Update 2 Unstable Change Logs:
Update 2 Unstable 1
Update 2 Unstable 2
Update 2 Unstable 3
Update 2 Unstable 3c

Update 2 Unstable 4 Change Log

Goals and Achievements System

  • Old goal system has been removed from the game entirely.
  • New goals system now has 117 goals (more may be added, post your ideas!).
  • Once Update 2 is fully released, each goal will unlock a Steam Achievement. (Note: I will try my best to get your test saves to unlock them retroactively, after Update 2 is released.)
  • Every goal is on a huge web map, and as you unlock goals, more goals will become available.
  • Like the previous goals system, all goals and their progress persist through dooming the world.
  • Goals can now be accessed in when in the play state (Playing in a region/map).
  • Goals no longer award perks, but award a lot of God Experience.
  • Free Chest Slots can be unlocked, awarding, you guess it, a free chest!
  • Chests are now gained 25% faster to offset the goals no longer rewarding perks directly.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Added pale Blue trees, stumps and dead trees, white snow, teal grass and mushrooms to the game for future biome plans. They can currently be accessed in the map editor.
  • Improved the map selection overlays in the world map.
  • Halved the chance villagers and animals can be turned into a zombie after dying with blight.
  • The Perk list now extends to the top and bottom of the screen.
  • You can now use the scroll wheel on the perk list.
  • Added social button to the main menu.
  • Added new particle effects to highlighted or selected buttons.
  • Re-centered console panel.
  • Cluckers can now do a rooster call at dawn.
  • Medkits "+" symbol is now magenta-purple to avoid lawyers with too much time on their hands going after innocent developers for war crimes, or something.
  • Reduced doggo bark frequency.
  • Added a diminishing returns to all idle sound effects. The more of that type of mob in the area, the less each of them will make idle sound effects.
  • Reduced the volume of the doggo barks.

Bug Fixes

  • Added tooltip on settings menu in the play state informing the player they need to exit to the main menu to change hotkeys.
  • Cube-E Golems no longer become invisible when repairing their spawn points.
  • Tweaked wood resources art slightly.
  • Fixed a minor bug where migrants were counted as arriving nomads in the statistics panel.

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