Welcome to Early Access!

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2023
MonsterStone: Prelude Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Early Access
Developer: Bended Rules
Release Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2022
Today, Monsterstone: Prelude has launched into Early Access, and I am super excited to hear everyone's feedback!

The future

I consider the current state of the game as a solid foundation on which to shape the future of the game, with many possibilities in mind. Though a lot of the technical backbone and core features of the game are implemented to a certain degree, there are still some features that have yet to make it in. With your feedback and support, I will also be able to paint a better picture of what you would like to see in the game.

The plan is to continue development as I have been, and gradually expanding the core mechanics of the game. Along the way, I also want to expand the content of the game, so that there are more levels and variation to experience, though currently, this would be in order to better experience new features.

I will do my best to be transparent as to what is going on from a development point of view, but I am also conscious about the fact that I am having to do everything by myself at the moment. I will do my best to listen to the community, and address more pressing matters first.

Ideally, I would like to spend most of my time improving the game, as well as hear what you have to say about it and take it into consideration.

As this is Early Access, I would like to emphasize that some game features are not final, and that some changes might break saves in the future.

Where did it come from?

It has been a long road to get to this point, but there is still much that needs to be done before the game is finished. As a starter, I would like to mention that this is currently a solo project that I have worked on/off for the last couple years, but am now giving full-time development a shot with this release.

Development technically started way back around 2014, where I was first learning how to use Unity, and had some previous experience in making levels for the Source engine, as well as small game experiences using various tools and platforms. A lot of the technical backbone for the game was established over several years while I was studying at university, so that most of the pieces were ready once I was done.

Experimental build

If you want to try out new features before they are released into the main build of the game, you can access the "Experimental branch" through the "betas" section. You can find the "betas" section by right clicking Monsterstone: Prelude in your steam library, and clicking "properties". Simply switch to the "experimental" build, and you should be good to go.

Development streaming

In case this might interest you, I happen to also stream on Twitch, where I have been sharing game development of Monsterstone: Prelude over the last couple months. You can check it out here:
dragonking2504 on Twitch

My schedule got quite inconsistent when I switched from gameplay to gamedev though, mainly because some of the gamedev related work was a lot of boring businesst development stuff that is hard, if not impossible, to make entertaining. That, and the fact that there is a lot of personal and company related information when setting up a Steam page etc.

Did I miss something?

Let me know if there is anything else feel like I missed, and I will do my best to cover those questions in the future.

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