Update v0.97.1 released!

Author: From Steam
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024
Game: DinoSystem
DinoSystem Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Early Access
Developer: Daniele Ferraro
Release Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015

This update IS compatible with savegames from previous v0.96.0+!



This is a relatively small update to address some major issues, as well as delivering a few changes.

Here's the changelog, with the important stuff highlighted in bold:


- Several minor improvements to blood/vomit decals.
- Improved actions animation fluidity when the character is tired.


- Thatch sound from wind will now promptly stop when the Thatch is destroyed, instead of finishing.


- Removed references to animal biological sex in the animal inspect panel-> action (like "guarding her/his" nest) to prevent the player from discovering the sex without having the required Zoology skill.
- While Fishing, mouse-hover text automatically shows fish population.
- Improved Fishing hints text and logic.
- Fishing hint is disabled as soon as the player manages to catch a fish.
- Removed "not edible" from the Pine Cone gathering tooltip.
- Added a new hint during light fire action (is disabled when a fire is lit).
- Added a UI notification when taking an island snapshot with F11.
- Added fire maximum energy (if contained) in mouse-hover when inspected.
- Minor UI improvements.


- Additional rework of bleeding mechanic:
...... Bleeding now triggers every 3 seconds instead of 10.
...... Bleeding damage now partially scales with maximum Health (instead of be fixed 1).
...... Chance of bleeding to drop is now proportionally higher, since the timer is faster.

- Most actions speed is now faster (+60% in Normal & +20% in Realistic+, meaning in Normal actions 33% faster than Realistic+).
- Auto-zoom speed and magnitude tweaked for some actions to be more gradual.
- Added a subtle auto-zoom also for sprinting, stumbling and vomiting.
- Muscle Soreness decay rate from inactivity/sleep increased by ~33%.
- Body Muscle decay rate from high Soreness reduced (at 100% Soreness) from 8x to 3x.

- Light fire progress/chance calculation accumulates more reliably over time, although at a slower rate (this means success is easier to achieve if you keep trying).
- Aim mode is now possible during "eat", "drink", "dry up" and other actions, along with "trying to sleep" (but sleep chance will not increase during aim mode).
- Pine nuts protein content nearly doubled.


- Weather sliders lock function is now permanent, instead of resetting when switching to Survival mode or when hiding the UI.


- Additional rework of bleeding mechanics (same of the player).
- Much smaller animals won't flee from being "trapped!" under their parent.


- Seasonal, noctural and weather temperature calculation revisited to get much more realistic values.
- Perceived temperature impact from wetness and wind exposure tweaked to prevent reaching negative temp in summer (and otther similiar inconsistencies).


- In the manual page about Muscle Soreness it's now explained that Toughness skill increases Soreness decay rate.


- Fixed a random game freeze happening occasionally during autosave (at dawn) or normal save.
- Fixed T-Rex and Troodons parents NOT regurgitating food to their offspring as supposed to.
- Fixed F10 not taking a game screenshot.
- Fixed Landmarks texts being hard to read (regression v0.97.0).
- Fixed a serious bug preventing seasonal temperature and humidity to fluctuate as supposed to in Survival mode, causing climate to be static over long game sessions, and producing heat in winter, snow in summer, etc (regression v0.97.0).
- Fixed animals Health compromised in games created before v0.97.0 and updated to it, which caused adult animals to reduce their Health to 15 (even T-Rexes lol).
- Fixed fire in Fire Pit not being actually contained and going over Fire Pit threshold, causing unexpected arson (regression v0.97.0).
- Fixed temperature bar mouse-hover factors not being consistant with their supposed sum (perceived temp) + Removed the humidity factor (incorporeated in "air").
- Fixed Fishing chance refreshing faster when the character is also faster in other actions.
- Fixed Thatch blueprint not being coherent with its built counterpart (showing optimal placement where it is actually not supported).
- Fixed some minor inconsistencies with building blueprints.
- Fixed wielded weapon/held item positioning on top of character hand after closing the player info screen.
- Fixed auto-zoom resetting zoom if entering aim mode while auto-repeating an action.
- Fixed fire sound stopping in aim-mode when aiming far away.
- Fixed mouse-hover on Fullness showing the solid/liquid percentage incorrectly.
- Fixed "heat mirage" effect being extreme when playing with low resolution.
- Fixed few minor issues.


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