Convenience Update

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2023
Tabletop Playground Game Banner
Genre: Casual, Indie, Simulation, Strategy, Early Access
Developer: Plasticity Studios
Release Date: Fri, 15 May 2020

The next update is here! This one is all about convenience: it brings a new PDF viewer, better object zoom capabilities, grabbing additional objects, selecting multiple hand cards, a new environment selection and more. In addition, the Linux version is now out of Beta and officially listed on the store! Here's the full changelog:

• You can now open a PDF viewer window for PDF Multistate objects. The window can be resized, pinned, and maximized to the side of the screen.
• The notes window can now be resized and pinned
• Allow rotating object manually while using object zoom by holding left mouse button
• Allow moving around object zoom of card-like objects by holding left mouse button
• A new action is available for grabbing additional objects, mapped by default to "V". You can use it to grab objects at the cursor while you're already holding something. You can also grab more objects from a container, and more cards from a stack. You can change the right mouse configuration in the game settings to return to this action instead of resetting positions of held objects.
• Support selecting and moving multiple cards in holder
• Select environment in new step when creating new game instead of using drop down box
• Save states now store the environment in which the state was created. It is selected by default when loading the state.
• Add black and white as standard player colors
• When starting a new game with a state that needs packages you don't have, show the missing packages with an option to download them immediately (similar to the list of packages in the server browser)
• Player buttons are now highlighted instead of disabled for the selected player
• Add button to open package folder in file browser to package editor
• Add `GameObject.setScript` to allow changing object scripts from scripting
• Add `Card.getAllCardDetails` as a convenient way to get all card details in an array
• Show message when a player randomizes a multistate object
• Show tooltip for ground containers when hovering with regular cursor (to indicate that you can pull objects from the container)
• Support dragging from card stacks and containers by moving mouse even when the cursor doesn't leave the object

• Ensure that comparison of `SnapPoint` returns true when comparing two references that point to the same snap point
• Reset the `onCustomAction` event when a state is loaded or scripting is reset
• Screen mode mouse cursor didn't move while mouse button was pressed after using the preview mode template editor
• Adding cards to a stack with animation from within its `onInserted` event caused the added card to get deleted
• Dragging view stopped when hovering over scripting UI elements
• PDFs with non-ANSI characters could not be loaded
• PDFs with many pages caused slowdown in editor
• Allow adding local-only packages to a game
• Script filenames with a ' character did not work


These new updates we've added are just some of the many features on our early access development roadmap for Tabletop Playground, which you can check out on our Trello HERE.

Don't forget to join our community Discord to chat with the dev team and give us your suggestions for new features for the game!

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