Free Demo now available for 39 Days to Mars!
Author: indiefoldcreator
Sat, 06 Jul 2024
Game: 39 Days to Mars
I'm excited to announce that 39 Days to Mars now has a πFree Demo π¨βπ on Steam, which you can download and play right now.
It'll take you (in singleplayer or co-operatively with your friend) through the start of 39 Days to Mars, solving a few puzzles with Albert and Baxter, and embarking on their ill-advised voyage to have a cup of afternoon tea on Mars.
I hope that you enjoy playing it,
I'm excited to announce that 39 Days to Mars now has a πFree Demo π¨βπ on Steam, which you can download and play right now.
It'll take you (in singleplayer or co-operatively with your friend) through the start of 39 Days to Mars, solving a few puzzles with Albert and Baxter, and embarking on their ill-advised voyage to have a cup of afternoon tea on Mars.
I hope that you enjoy playing it,
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