Build Update 2 Unstable 1 Released

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2023
Rise to Ruins Game Banner
Genre: Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Raymond Doerr
Release Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

A long time coming, I am happy to introduce that Update 2 Unstable 1 has arrived! This patch adds a ton bug fixes and improvements, but most importantly, new content!

The biggest additions are the new essence generation and faith mechanics. Now, you no longer fuel your Essence Collectors with crylithium. Rather, you now build a new building called an Essence Altar and assign new workers called Occultists to them. These new Occultists will go to the altar and pray, upon completing a pray action, they will boost faith in the area and generate essence that can be delivered to an Essence Collector, effectively replacing the fueling mechanics that were removed with a method the player can more directly control by building additional altars and assigning more Occultists.

The faith itself is a new system that bleeds over into many aspects of the game. Now villagers will gain and lose faith in you based on your or the world's actions. As their faith increases, you'll gain additional max influence to your influence bar, and they will be less likely to be confused or panic when they see you do anything.

As with most of Rise to Ruins' patches, there's way too much to cover in a summary, so check out the changelogs and enjoy!

If you find a bug, you can report it on the Steam Bugs Forums or Discord!

Update 2 Unstable 1 Change Log

Faith System

  • Villagers now gain and lose a new need, called faith, based on your and the world's actions. Anything they deem positive, they'll gain faith, negative, they lose it.
  • Villagers are now less likely to panic or be confused when they have high faith and witness god doing things in the village.
  • All spells now influence faith stats in some way or another when cast near villagers.
  • New Building: The Essence Altar. Villagers can now be assigned as "Occultists", who will go to the altar and pray. Completing a pray action will increase the villager's faith and the villagers around them, as well as generate free essence that will be sent to an Essence Collector.
  • New perks added for praying speeds.
  • Lightning and Meteor (all kinds, including the spells) will now raise or lower faith depending on where it strikes, and what it hits.
  • Villagers will now sometimes get a boost in faith when chatting with someone with significantly higher faith than they have.
  • Villagers now gain 10 faith when they domesticate a wild doggo or take a mate.
  • Villagers now gain faith when they mate, and villagers nearby gain a very small amount.
  • Nearby villagers gain faith when they witness a monster killed.
  • Nearby villagers lose faith when they witness another villager killed.
  • Nearby villagers get a bonus to faith when they witness an elder die of natural causes. (Living a "full life")
  • Villagers now conceive Nephilim children if their combined total faith is within 90% of their maximum faith.
  • Lightning rods can increase faith when a lightning bolt hits them.
  • A mob resurrected from the Resurrect spell get maximum faith instantly upon resurrection.

Influence System

  • Completely rewrote how max influence is calculated, each villager now provides a minimum and maximum amount, depending on the type of villager they are. Children offer less, while elders offer more, and Nephilims offer additional bonuses.
  • All domesticated animals other than Doggos now provide 5 max influence each.
  • Doggos now provide 20 max influence each.
  • Doofy Doggos now provide 50 max influence each.
  • The amount of total influence to the max influence bar each mob provides is now based on their faith. For example, if their faith is only 50% full, they will only provide 50% of their potential maximum influence. (Note: This only counts for mobs with faith stats, like villagers. Doggos for example, will always provide max faith as they have no faith stats.)
  • New perks added for minimum influence, influence per animal and influence per villager.

Essence and Essence Collector Changes

  • Significantly increased the speed newly spawned "resting" essence becomes active.
  • Greatly improved essence colors and trails.
  • Essence Collectors can no longer be fueled with or store crylithium.
  • Essence Collectors now hold much more energy.
  • Recolored and tweaked the Essence Collector art.
  • Essence Collectors construction requirements have been increased, and now require crylithium for the first upgrade, and iron ingots for the second.

Spell Changes

  • Banish spell now only confuses friendly mobs in the area if it actually banishes something.
  • Banish confusion is now triggered from around the mob that was teleported away, rather than where the spell was cast.
  • Dispel God Structures and Dispel Golem now can cause villagers to be confused upon seeing it cast.
  • Dispel God Structures no longer panics villagers when cast.
  • "Confusion" area of effect of Cold Aura increased.
  • Generate Essence now has 1/4th the confusion/panic range.
  • Generate Essence now costs twice as much to cast, but generates twice as much essence per cast.
  • Conjure Material spell can now panic or confuse villagers.
  • God Tower and God Wall spells now cause villagers to be confused or panic when cast around them.
  • Grab spell now positively influences faith when you grab resources, and negatively when you grab mobs.
  • Grab spell now no longer makes villagers panic when you grab resources (Note: Still will for grabbing mobs)
  • Grab spell's panic/confusion range doubled.
  • Harvest Spell can now cause villagers to panic if a resource is spawned right next to them.
  • Harvest Spell's panic and confusion is now based on the location the resource spawned, rather than where the spell was cast.
  • Holy Potatoes and Holy Wood spells can now cause panic and confusion to nearby villagers.
  • Illuminate spell cost doubled.
  • Illuminate spell now increases faith when cast and active, but only if cast at dusk or night.
  • Recall spell now causes confusion and influences faith based on the location the actual mobs and resources left/arrived than where the spell was cast.
  • Resurrect spell now only causes villagers to panic if the resurrection fails and creates a zombie. (Note: They will still be "confused" if the spell is successful.)
  • Dissolve spell now has a chance to panic villagers.
  • Blessing villagers no longer triggers Nephilim to be born. Now, blessing villagers guarantees that they will become pregnant the next time they coitus.
  • Greatly optimized Cold Aura's CPU usage.
  • Slightly optimized Flame Spell's CPU usage.
  • Slightly optimized the Healing Aura spell.

Loot box Changes

  • Poking a loot box "circle" will confuse villagers and slightly increase faith, regardless if anything is uncovered.
  • Moving a loot box will cause confusion at both locations, negative faith in the departing location and positive in the arrival location.
  • Loot boxes being opened now positively influence faith (even when they're trashy!)
  • Loot boxes idle in the village will sometimes confuse a villager.
  • Loot box "circles" (before the box is uncovered) will now confuse villagers sometimes, as well as provide a tiny amount of faith.
  • Uncovered loot boxes and keys now give a burst of faith, but also can cause villagers to panic or be confused in a wide area.
  • Increased distance loot boxes cause panic and confusion when opening.
  • Villagers now panic if a resource from a loot box right next to them, but also gains additional faith.
  • Chances of a loot box being uncovered on click changed from 1 in 4 to 1 in 6.
  • Slightly adjusted where resources spawn when a loot box is opened.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • You can now change your worker's job colors to anything you want by clicking on the new color picker icon on the left hand workforce or resource management panel.
  • Adjusted (hopefully) all blessed villager descriptions throughout the GUI.
  • Birth console banner now displays what mob type was born.
  • Increased the villager initial spawn in to up to 20.
  • Nomads are much, much more likely to appear between days 1 and 3 to help avoid "bad RNG luck" early game.
  • Nomads can no longer spawn during the morning of day 1 to prevent new players from being overwhelmed with new information. (Note: They should almost-always arrive Midday day 1 now)
  • Replaced the particle effect that would generate above a resource about to be picked up, to an arrow that points down. The arrow gets increasing brighter green the closer the mob gets to the resource.
    Significantly lowered the volume of rain in the game.
  • Villagers now are much less likely to work when their condition is compromised (Low hunger, thirst, overheating, etc). They also now factor in their hit points, poison and many other conditions and are less likely to work the more injured they are.
  • Easter egg logo is now 20 times more likely to appear.
  • Recompiled executable to hopefully avoid some memory allocation issues on certain machines.
  • Increased animal slaughter speed.
  • Added kills counter stats to mobs and objects.
  • Reduced screenshake when smaller buildings are destroyed (Mostly for walls)
  • Updated silk's description to mention it's use in bows.
  • The energy maintenance requirement for most golems is now 5 times higher. (sorry)
  • The energy maintenance requirement for Cube-E golems has been doubled.
  • Courier golems now have a small maintenance requirement.
  • All golems now die twice as fast when the comboulator runs out of energy to maintain them.
  • Improved the tooltip render boundaries math. (Note: There is an existing/known bug in high-res displays that may cause some overlap issues)
  • Tweaked the Hide Topography view's red grid slightly.
  • You can now view the corrupted tiles on the data map tab, including tiles under rocks, trees, etc.
  • Villagers who are repairing structures will stop automatically if the building becomes fully repaired before they finish their work.
  • Doubled the amount Catjeet Provisioners restock daily.
  • Made Wilhelm scream slightly over twice as likely to happen.
  • You can now increase or decrease the brush size in both the play state and map editor by holding the axis lock key (Default: Left Shift)
  • Wilhelm Scream is now more common when throwing male villagers into Cullis Gates.
  • Throwing doggos (and especially Doofy Doggos) into a Cullis Gate is a REALLY bad idea.
  • Adjusted nearly all of the panic and confusion chances in the villager's AI.
  • Added a faith counter to the resource panel UI.
  • Reworked the total gold, water, and dirty water resource counters (as well as the new faith counter) to all also show resource maximums on hover over, as well as fill bar.
  • Lightning and Meteor's panic/confusion range has been adjusted to more realistic values.
  • Updated copyright date on main menu.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected a minor typo in the Trashy Trash description.
  • Population list panel no longer shows farm animals as unemployed.
  • "Captured Animal" fake resource no longer shows up on the courier panel.
  • Steamworks4j will now forcefully load the .dll files in the install folder's native library.
  • "Review The Game" popup no longer appears when nonSteamMode is true. (eg; Won't show up on Utomik or GOG copies of the game.)
  • Animal pens and clucker coops UI overlap issues in the building panel have been fixed.
  • When an animal is slaughtered, the damage is now correctly recorded as coming from the cook.
  • Fixed a bug where work decay ticks in MobBase.doWork() was not actually utilizing the input values.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Holy Golem speed perk to actually slow down the golems, rather than increase their speed.
  • Hide Topography button no longer can glitch out and leave the topography partially transparent.
  • Market buy and sell prices can no longer be less than 1 gold per item.
  • Crash issue when trying to buy a resource from the marketplace for 0 gold fixed (See above change.)
  • Fixed a bug that would cause sounds out of range to still play, but at zero volume. (Note: There is a known issue with extremely low volume levels causing issues with this new system.)
  • Fixed a bug where building's art wouldn't update when essence was sent from it.
  • Lightning Rod no longer incorrectly reports it requires a rain catcher, purifier or well.
  • Nephilim children now properly spawn a child Nephilim ghost when they die, rather than an adult Nephilim ghost.
  • Nephilim are now properly counted in the migration system.
  • Fixed an issue where Nephilim children sometimes wouldn't get their bonus lifespan stats.
  • Fixed several totaling errors on the population panel.

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