Soul Saga – Update 37 – Goodbye 2017, Hello Soul Saga Release Date!

Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2023
Game: Soul Saga
Soul Saga Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPG, Strategy, Early Access
Developer: Disastercake
Release Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2020

Hello, friend!

Hey there, friend! It's been a while. How have you been? I hope 2018 has started off well for you. It's certainly been much better than 2017 for me. Speaking of which...

Goodbye, 2017!

Oh 2017, how I loved you so. Let us count the ways...

  • Evicted - At the beginning of 2017, a faulty water heater installation led to my landlord terminating my lease. I was given a 1 month notice to vacate the home I had lived for 6 years. It was morally devastating that I couldn't finish Soul Saga in the same space I had launched the Kickstarter, but such is life. Then I was barely able to find and settle into new housing before...

  • Divorced - Immediately following the previous Soul Saga update, my wife divorced me stating the core reason to be my inability to maintain a work-life balance with Soul Saga. I tried my best to resolve the issue, but Soul Saga's immense presence made it impossible for the marriage to work. As a result, I was forced to leave my new home, evicted for the second time in 2017. This led to...

  • Homeless - My unwavering dedication to Soul Saga has left me a homeless wanderer. For almost half a year now, I've been floating between different living situations--some days forced to live out of my car. I tried my best to keep an optimistic attitude, but as you can imagine this situation made it very difficult to focus on development. That changes now...

Moving Forward

So bye-bye, 2017! You won't be missed.

I was hoping to finally get Soul Saga to you by the end of 2017, but these obstacles made last year the hardest time of Soul Saga's development (and the hardest time of my life). Thankfully, 2017 is now behind us. Although I'm still technically homeless, I'm focused and determined to deliver Soul Saga to you this year. Which brings us to the good news...

Soul Saga release date: July 2018

Over the years following Soul Saga's Kickstarter, I have gathered mountains of art assets, written a bazillion story variations, and experimented with gameplay in countless different ways. Each iteration of these elements always had you and your feedback in immediate consideration because the only thing I've ever wanted to do is make a game you and I can both be proud of. Being the world's first solo developer to create a classic 3D JRPG with the production quality of Soul Saga has taken me through immense trials and tribulations. But the light is finally at the end of the tunnel. I believe that...

Soul Saga will be ready by July 2018! July of this year will mark Soul Saga's Kickstarter's 5th anniversary and it's a conveniently appropriate time to finally get you the humble JRPG I've been working on for so long. The desktop version will be released first and polish will be applied based on fan feedback. Information regarding console porting will come after fan feedback has been applied to the Desktop version of Soul Saga.

Stay tuned for further updates regarding Soul Saga in the near future!

What do you think?

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