Patch 1.33, 21st of February 2014, 9pm (GMT+2)

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPG
Developer: United Independent Entertainment
Release Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013

  • New Intro
  • Extensive rebalancing of all weapon values
  • 7 new weapons (e.g. Thrust Spear, Andergaster, Battle Bow)
  • “Good” and “Masterwork” Weapon variants introduced
  • Weapon trader sortiments reworked and spread hints to them
  • Extensive rebalancing of NPC values
  • Some NPCs now have 2 attacks per turn (e.g. sabretooth tiger)
  • Every combat spell now has a unique visual effect
  • Unlocked spells Nekropathia and Abvenenum
  • Many inside house views reworked
  • Individual temple views per god
  • Temple distribution reworked according to world background
  • Improved modability (new Functions, hook for Tavern activities)
  • Battle stances
  • Necrophobia checks when battling undead
  • Better marking of “Points of Interest” in every town, not only Thorwal
  • New Quest marker on the travelmap
  • New Druid rituals (using Obsidian Dagger)
  • Improved item tooltips
  • Extended trader item tooltips
  • Groenvelden redone (Groups of People you can talk to)
  • Real loading screen for battles
  • Evade in battles now uses up a parry attempt
  • You can now only either evade or parry once per turn

  • Fixed many spells (e.g. negative AE was possible)
  • Fixed scene display on the travelmap
  • Fixed several battle avatar bugs (e.g. female thorwalian, some hand bone assignments)
  • Fixed several hangs in the Gold DLC
  • Fixed several smaller issues (questbook, main menu image and more)
  • Fixed Tjoila crash
  • Prevented buggy dialogs (e.g. from a mod) freezing travel
  • Radial Menu in Dungeons fixed
  • Fixed “earshield” texture problem in Thorwal

  • Free-DLC “Ogredeath” released, with great help from our Betatesters, especially lunatic
  • New Dungeon/Quest Torkil’s Chasm
  • New Quest “Beilunk Riders in Trouble” (lunatic)
  • New Quest “Sweet Erika”
  • Race on Bodir
  • Tavern-Event “Throwing Contest”
  • Four new Encounters at sea (lunatic)

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