Rollback NetCode Update is available!

Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024
Dual Souls: The Last Bearer Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Stun Games
Release Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2021
Dual Souls 3.150 Update is available. There are a bunch of new features available! Scroll down to the details below:

- Rollback NetCode Implementation!
- "Options => Gameplay Options => NetCode Type" option added. Possible values are:
* Rollback (Choose) => Lets P1 choose the value at the beginning of every match.
* Rollback (Fixed) => Lets P1 use the value in "Rollback Input Delay"
* LockStep (Old) => This is the old method the game was using till now. If both players have this option selected, Rollback will not be used in the match.

- Options => Gameplay Options => Use System Keyboard option added. Default is ON.
- Color Edit sharing: Now editing a custom color will copy its code to clipboard. This code can be shared across applications thus can be pasted from.

- LAN Game mode added under VERSUS menu.

- Throw Escape threshold increased.
- Limit Breaks are no longer unblockable. However, they can not be Power-Block'ed.
- Standing normal hit priority levels reset through whole cast: For st.K,F+SL => 3, st.SL => 4, st.BS =>5.
- Air normal hit priority levels reset through whole cast: For j.K => 3, j.SL => 4, j.BS =>5.
- Hit priority lower than 4 type attacks no longer open juggle state after a counter attack. This heavily affects kicks in the game.
- Hit priority lower than 4 type attacks no longer cause extra hit-stun for counters. Hit-pause stays unchanged. This heavily affects kicks in the game.
- Hit priority lower than 4 type attacks no longer cause knock-down on air-borne opponents during a counter-attack. This heavily affects kicks in the game.
- Power Recoveries no longer give damage bonus.
- Back,Forward directions are determined by each fighters' relative horizontal position rather than their facing direction now.
- j.K hit stun decreased and reset through the board.
- Overall stamina draining of normals decreased/corrected.
- Chaos Drive is no longer related to the power meter and it has own meter under life bar when activated. Length and drain speed is same across the board.
Power meter and RPS can be freely consumable during CD activation now.
Early CD gives half meter when activated. Also last button(s) (SL+BS+K or PW) can be held to consume whole power meter to increase the start-up amount by 50%.
When this happens "Boosted!" message appears after "Chaos Drive" message. Boosting is not possible for early CDs.
- Fixed a bug preventing "Low Impact" not happening when a combo was started with a counter.
- Fixed a bug causing P2's Impact meter to be seen empty.
- Acquiring of simultanous and single button presses improved.
- Aerial landing invincibility frames increased to 5 from 3.
- Defensive Recoveries no longer triggers damage reduction mistakenly. Only Recoveries during a combo incurs damage reduction now.

- 8A 8B 8C 8D and 9A 9B 9C 9D motions added to selectable AI moves. Thus one can train against instant air normals.
- Now AI responds at the earliest correct frame during Snap-Outs.

- Power #3 start-up frames increased. Vacuums opponent on hit. Total damage decreased from 3600 to 3250.
- Rush-Forward (K after B,F,BS) Force-Break removed.
- Wiper (Hold K): guarding state gets enabled at frame 36 now (was instant).
- Gained a new Force-Break for Wiper (Hold K). Holding the move for 60 frames makes the move also Unguardable when a RP is available.
- Sneak Bomb A (QCB,SL) no longers hits opponents more than twice in a combo.
- Flash Bomb A & B (QCF,SL/BS) start-up and recovery decreased.
- After CD activation it is no longer possible to directly KO the opponent with any normal or special move. During activation stunning opponent is not possible.
- st.SL is -6 on guard.(was -10)

- Dragon Flight FB reworked. Now pressing K during Dragon Slash A/B will make Kanae perform an upwards rushing attack.
This attack can be performed without connecting Dragon Slash as well. If it hits opponent, the opponent will be sent flying (only once in a combo) to the air for additional hits.
Holding K adjusts how far Kanae will move forward during this move's attacking frames. Kanae is able to attack/block after the attack ends.
After performing, j.BS, j.K , Dragon Dive (A&B) and Power #2 corrects facing direction to the opponent.
- Dragon Slash A Power Recovery window removed. Added 6 frames aerial move invulnerability.
- Dragon Slash B invincibility frames removed. Added 10 frames aerial move invulnerability. Start-up frames decreased by 1. Damage reduced by 100. Hit priority increased from 5 to 6.
No longer cancel-able into #2 when guarded.
- Dragon Breath (QCB,K) Active frames increased from 4 to 8. Projectile doesn't come out if Kanae is hit. Hold version hits low, unhold version hits overhead.
- After CD activation it is no longer possible to directly KO the opponent with any normal or special move.
- cr.SL is -5 on guard (was -4).
- j.SL hit priority increased to 4 from 3. (Made same as the rest of the cast.)
- Opponent is considered in air-borne state 38f after the falling animation of a Power #3 magic wave.

- st.K active frames decreased from 9 to 5.
- F+K start-up increased by 1 frame.
- His Force-Break cancel from Rocket Kick (QCB,K) to Rush'n Roll (j.PW) now is a normal follow-up which can be done by pressing PW.
- Gained a new Force-Break move: "Catcha!" (D,D,K). When performed Brandon does a short taunt animation and opens the juggle state.
Can be done once in a combo and causes damage reduction upon activation.
Also can be activated by holding K at the end of for special moves.
- Power #2 lost auto-juggle enabling property. Same effect can be achieved using the new Force-Break move.
- Blue Sky (QBF,K) is no longer a LB move. Start-up and recovery frames increased, invincibility frames removed. Damage decreased from 1000 to 800. Damage reduction is applied after throw.
- Rockect Kick start-up frames decreased by 4.
- A new LB follow-up added for Rockect Kick. By pressing K, Brandon will perform a fierce version of his Home-run which will make the opponent to hit the oppossite wall and slide-down.
Snap-Out is possible after 60Fr after launching the opponent in to the air, and 65Fr when sliding on the wall starts.
- j.PW => BS now downs opponent. Can be cancelled into Power #2.
- Sonic Slash A downs opponent.
- Rocket Kick (QCB,K) can be performed once in a combo now.
- Power #2 corrects facing direction when performed.
- cr.BS both hits are low now.

- After cr.BS, opponent no longer can be thrown.
- cr.SL no longer causes Fatal Blow, cr.BS does.
- j.BS Fatal Blow animation fixed.
- After hitting opponent with j.BS during BloodSeeker Force-Break, opponent no longer can be thrown.
Downed time for every j.BS hit is decreased by 20 fr during a combo.
- Blade of Blood (QCB,SL/BS) recovery frames are decreased when hit.
- cr.SL start-up gets increased by 2FR everytime it hits in a combo.

- st.SL hurtboxes extended forward. Hitbox was lowered and shortened.
- Power #3 start-up increased. Meteroids push back less when guarded. Adds 32FR end-delay when fully guarded.
- Power #1 Adds 32FR end-delay when guarded.
- Early CD damage bonus decreased to 15%, normal CD bonus was decreased to 25%.
- j.BS damage reduction increased after 1st hit.
- Lighting Attack (QCF,SL/BS,in air) minimum height threshold increased. Stamina drain decreased. Total damage recuded to 1000 from 1200.
- Connecting a second j.BS in a combo closes juggle state.

- cr.SL +2 on hit now.(was +6).
- Power #2, beast hit-stun decreased.
- Loyalty (CD), B,F,PW no longer hits low.
- Revenge (B,F,B,F,PW) start-up delay decreased. Jaman becomes invulnerable when the beast attacks. Hitting Jaman before the attack cancels it.
- Wall hitting animation now fixes the opponent to the wall while sliding-down.

- Dance Little One! (QCB,K) removed as a LB and added as a new Power #1 (Spirit Mine), replacing "Guard Curse". It does slightly more damage and can be used more than once in a combo.
Dancing spirit can not be Block'ed. 50% meter Blue power.
- Spirit Smash (Power #2) is a 60% meter Blue Power now (was 50%). Ground version damage increased to 3450, aerial version damage decreased to 3150. (Was 3200 for both).
- cr.BS active frames decreased by 9.
- j.K no longer causes knock-down. It causes aerial recovery like all jumping normals.
- Might Attack! Now! LB removed. Same move can be performed as a Force-Break by holding K at the beginning of Might Attack B (QCB,BS).
- Added Naga Curse Upon You! Dynamite! LB move (QCF,K). This one is un-interruptible like Force-Break'd versions of normal curse moves.
Additionally, it can appear as a "Guard Curse" with 50% possibility. Also has 8 less ending frames.
- Curse moves give different sound effects when hit.
- Crush Attack! LB combination changed to QCB,K. Staring frames decreased by 25.
- After CD activation it is no longer possible to directly KO the opponent with any normal or special move.

- Shadow Strike LB (B,F,K) is now only available in Light Mode.
- Added a new LB for Heavy Mode: Shadow Dance (B,F,K). Mirei does a leaping attack with the dagger passing through the opponent. Causes high damage stun on the ground, launches aerial opponents.
Has 15fr start-up invincibility.
- Mist Dash (QBF,K) now makes Mirei drop the dagger in heavy mode and gives the same effect of the previous Dagger Flip move (D,D,K).
- Dagger Flip (D,D,K) heavy mode removed. Specific to Light Mode now. D,D,A/B versions added which don't function as a Force-Break and don't pause the game making Mirei vulnerable during the animation.
- Neck Throw (PW during QCF,K) no longer grabs opponents landing from a hit aerial state.
- cr.BS standing-up frames increased by 2.
- f+SL hit push-back increased.
- After CD activation it is no longer possible to directly KO the opponent with any normal or special move.

- Flaming Sword B (QCB,BS) no longer on + when used more than once in a combo. Stamina drain decreased.

- Chain Bringer A & B (Blade Mode, QCF,SL/BS) Start-up frames increased. Chain movement speed decreased. Recovery frames occur when guarded. Hit-box got lowered.

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