Halloween Forever v1.201 now live
Author: indiefoldcreator
Sun, 15 Dec 2024
Game: Halloween Forever
Hey everybody,
If you've been wondering what those ungettable new achievements were about, now you can know! There's a new Halloween Forever update ready. New characters and achievements are the big addition this time around. I hope you enjoy discovering them and the few new secrets in store.
Halloween Forever v. 1.201 build notes
Recent noteworthy stuff:
- Menus should be more friendly to navigate with redundant keyboard inputs. WASD is still a little bit funky (sorry!) but you can use the arrow keys, enter, and escape dependably from first boot.
- Keyboard remapping has a short buffer to help make remapping those keys a little easier.
- Friendly Continues mode added
- 3 new characters and related achievements.
- Title screen freshen up. Some new art in places.
- Door glitch is gone
We've been testing this one out for a while but if you find any issues please let me know and I'll get to fixing them as soon as I can. Thanks everybody. Halloween is coming soon!
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