Project Downfall 28th Early Access Update is now Live!

Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024
Project Downfall Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: MGP Studios
Release Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2022

Greetings Crimson Community,

28th Update just dropped. Lot's of good stuff. Getting that much closer to leaving Early Access. We are aiming to get a Release Candidate ready late July/ early August. Minimal content will be added and the major focus will be on balance, spit and shine. and to mark the occasion, the game will be 40% off from today till the end of Pixel Heaven 22 (yep, we'll be there!).

Huge shoutout goes to the awesome discord community. The constant feedback, gameplays, reports, support.... you guys ROCK! Mega kudos go out to: 12Over12, BONES, DCX, Gamb, Hardwater, LineFeed, Nekromorg, Pepperoni Vice, Sinth, TF2NoobPlayer64 !

If you'd like to join the community, if you havent done so already, head on over to Discord- click here. Besides loads of handy info, secrets, lore insight, it's also the best place to report issues/bugs etc. So, if you would feel like leaving some suggestions, we welcome it! Gamelpays clips are awesome too, since they help us pinpoint exactly what's up. The reports and feedback are crucial to us on this final Early Access stretch. The more reports and feedback we get, the better the game will be for 1.0. So please keep the feedback coming :D

Now on to the good stuff

- New level: Pre Emptive strike. With dedicated dynamic soundtrack. This one is an alternative to the intro. First time players won't know how to open it until they lear the superkick. And rightfully so, for this one proves a much larger challenge than any of the original intro routes. Take on the Svoloch mob in the Pleasuredome hub and get back home in one piece.

-The Grinder Combo: Now, there will be many, conveniently placed exhaust fans all over Crimson Tide. Smack an enemy right into it will provide juicy result and a combo multiplier!

-New Player Hit indicator: got the feedback! the red default highlight was a bit too generic and didn't stand out enough to prove useful. We changed this to a new dynamic version which will clearly indicate where the damage came from.

-Updated combo notifications: more eye candy and updated visibility

-Updated plotlines both main and optional. Including fleshed out NRF plotline (including mags with news variations, tv news etc)

-The BMFG 2600 : the gun to end all guns

-2 new ecoins (related with a specific ending)

-Finally ricochet projectiles. Now the modded DMRs (with the red grip) will have deadly deflecting bullets. Possibly a dedicated combo multiplier will be added to this one.

-New minigame: Manic Man. Find this endless retro runner on your way to work

- multilpe enemy animation polish (including, not limited to: Shinji Mikamis, Cops station, Framke, Thicks thug and more)

-multiple low lev svoloch variations added.

-fixed CGH intro anim and name (Thanks: TF2NoobPlayer64)

-clifton shopkeep texture fix rework

-club 22 new dynamic tune added

-updated enemies with missing dedicated back textures (fat white, fat balck 2 var, kc security low tier, chav suite, chav spec etc)

-recutm lobby material updates and end door event open with 3d ambient dark

-pighead added hit event for gore system (updated to new system)

-casino updated start chain doorevent (destructible chain) and fixed enemy door collide/open

-casino start padlock event destroy added with graphics, removed old version

-fixed clipping new track luco club. added track to luco topfloor

-applied new gore system to teddy controller and chav vest

-updated enemy variation in cab intermission

-fixed unlocking vip floor access after beating casino topfloor for ground floor unlock elevator to penthouse

-moved NRF brotherhood nation act magazine to MOF for logical connection. CT version of news will be soon replaced at apartment

-sabotage dancefloor mood light variation added

-nrf mag pickup prechurch tweak

-prl block updated harold model to v2.0 and added NRF today mag

-applied gorehole unit hit to to metalheads in slumblock and psycho slim

-added NRF text update to apartment

-added/replaced Harold meet in slumblock with phone booth receive call

-added new headphones graphics with small scale pump anim

-jman new car entrance polished (added blocked off car park with open /light/modd event on level complete and car iteract to new stage)

-added chav puffcoat enemy. added to jman 1

-updated gate destructible event in shortcut, updated enemy variation

-updated enemy variation in cab (puffcoat chavs replaced wiht default firearm thugs)

-further update and polish to train-work transition, post lighting, timing etc

-added tick timer sound (by maphill ,

-train intro further details and tweaks (end section polish still WIP)

-added chain padlock destroy to superkick gate tutorial subhub

-added puffcoat chav with glasses and added to tunnel shortcut top

-updated smalltime kingpin graphics set (lightup and kingpin)

Change default right stick outer deadzone to 0.05 (5%).

Show blind spot awareness only if elevation difference is less than 5 meters.

-multiple new idle animations and fixes for the shinji body type build enemies (yama, kaneda, cop slim armor, detective etc, bikers shinji etc)

-updated cops holding cell scene. Updated Jo hooker model and added new swat heavies, final door event and lighting tweaks

-multiple fixes to shinji body type bone mesh (joints would not bend), fixed and should fix multiple enemies of this type during various animations (ie shooting, idle, walk etc)

-added new dediacted post volumes for berserk blue pill

-prl start surface sound applied and fixed to exterior area

-luco bar top fixed floating bottles and added detail to that area

-Fix train doors not closing after interacting in bullet time.

-berserk post volume updates

-graphic a judicator added

-awarenes hit gfx updated and size

-added graphic for safeguard pill WIP

-updated berserk tree logic for new gore system (more consistent and effective)

-removed random chance of berserk sub tree (constantly on due to new logic moved to subtree)

-added mp5 and pistol dedicated gorehit and holes

-added dedicated mp5 tracers

-added new chal thug variations(3x olimp red tracksuit, 3X puffcoattrack) and added/replaced to multiple early on stages

-updated curfew destruct door (method from COD midpassage)

-jman updated end lev event to make it clearer where to go on completing objectives

-azur hub added 3d plane flyover sounds (sounds by Bigpickle51, InspectorJ, Rickbuzzin at with random varation and time of playback

-added wall depth decal destroy for superkicked thug toiler guard in curfew

-jman 2 dixed garbage container hit though trashbags end scene, destructible trashbags added

-luco top updated intial encounter

-updated headphone disclaim animation

-fixed shutter dust post intro section home event

-updated ranged logic for subtree small call gore/paint decals

-intro train beggar added

-Toggle adrenaline slide/jump for gamepad(double tap). Should make adrenaline jumps and slides more intuitive now.

-intro train beggar chat event added with post volume and office walk tweak

-intro train details to entrance added, props, grime etc

-start screen shuttter post intro event further tweaks

-package first stage updated enemy variation

-subhub bodybag beggar killed added with according logic

-curfew destruct wall toilet tetures update

-updated details to train intro ride (pipes/cables,ads other props)

-genesis train final updated enemy variation

-updated crossout graphic locked for hard and nightmare difficulties (thanks: linefeed)

-pop pill variations added

-akimbo uzi new tracer /replaced old

-tunnel enemyshortcut variation and details/(grime/props etc)

-package final: restroom replaced with curfew updated version with all new props

-fixed surface sounds in pakcage final

-fixed borders OOB in package final (Thanks: Drainer)

-updated berserk hit subtree (updated goreholes ,decals, and blood particle spawns)

-updated pill pop take for anims minis

-updated condition for way back sub hub unlock (must be finished to be available from car

-updated loigc for new intro level cldbr hgts hub fixed according logic (closed station, light, player spawn etc)

-fillerup new end lev event (getincar with lighting evetn and elevator timer move to to EC)

-fillerup condtion cleanup for new exit logic

-rectum dungeoun added grinder placements

-added grinder to thuglife 2nd stage variation

-updated grinder rectum dungeoun

-fixed audio grinder gore (thanks: Gamb)

-added grinder fans to rising high 2nd and 4th stage

-Fixed audio mix for rish igh brothel (Thanks: Sinth)

-Fixed cloud bloom blowout rising high final (Thanks: Sinth)

-tengu new heavies WIP. Samurai armour added (2 variations)

-samurai armour destroy

-updated fillerup endlev event (timer sequence visual gfx added with corresponding logic)

-Add ending letter to save slot.

-fixed OC wall its personal (thanks: Nekromorg)

-added brain chat end ambush pre empt

-updated ascent tengu with samurai armoured enemies and other smaller details

-fixed kc street ashton avenue (Thanks: TF2NoobPlayer64)

-updated svoloch hitman endgame event for old friends

-added level clear audio transition to pre empt strike and genesis

-pre empt added cinematic light variation for first grinder (2 vars: 1 with cool shadow on opposite wall, 2nd bit more subtle with stronger vol light)

-sabotage superkick info added

-fixed failsafe method for gate destruct shortcut start lev (Thanks: TF2NoobPlayer64)

-added triad enemy back textures, materials applied to according enemy controllers

-fixed wood panel tengu destruction particle (from stone to wood splinter with louder sound)

-added animation for combo notification white flash end and pump (not added to hud)

-added interaction monitor e mag with manic man boot in intro train

-added details sub hub/way back ,detail lights exit office and manic man to arcade cabinet and material/detail update

-subhub material details and texture updates

-added interaction e mag to intro train commute

-multiple fixes and tweaks to pre empt str (thanks: gamb)

- tweaks to pre empt str stage1(ie destructible ads, seats, cleanup, OC, navmesh etc)

-fixed thugthick idle anim

-updated uzi akimbo tracers to new version

-sub hub details added (new material stylised) and smaller tweaks

-ambush 1-0 new door (thanks: gamb)

-fixed gate noclip PKiN (thanks: TF2NoobPlayer64)

-passing through updated final event (skinhead eavesdrop shootout end and final bonehead trigger)

-fixed decal order wall hit projectile to avoid clipping issues

-updated NRF mag cover (Shutterstock gfx by: Svekloid)

-fixed Framke idle anim

-updated prob build material set default

-passing through added new enemies in loading area for hard and nightmare

-new splash screen

-updated azur north (multiple new details, mood lighting variations, enemy groups: shinji mikamis and cops based on conditions tengu, exits etc), updated navmesh

-optimised hotel rooms (lighting, materials and details)

-Yun sasha miniboss added and slight lighting tweaks

-updated news home anim

-further tweaks to intro train (shake, interaction e mag etc)

-cops holding cell final end event added with swat heavies in parking area

-lev sel hub slight tweak to highlight/visibility pre empt strike entrance


That's it for this one. Hope you enjoy!

The Downfall Team,

Mike, Dawid

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