The New Look "Glitch"

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2023
Waves 2: Notorious Game Banner
Genre: Action, Early Access
Developer: Squid In A Box Ltd
Release Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2015
Part of the next update will be a re-vamp of all the Utility Items in the game.

Utility Items are (as their name implies) not about killing things but being generally useful. They use Energy instead of Adrenaline and the most popular Item to date has been the default "Stop" (aka slow-mo).

It's important that every item in the game have a use but so far Stun, Repel, Rage, Barrier, and Glitch have not lived up to their potential always being out-done by Stop.

I intend to change this.

Today as part of a Live Stream I converted the old Glitch (previously called Emergency Teleport) into a brand spanky new Dash move (also called Glitch).

It lets you do things like this...

or even this...

oh and let's not forget about this...

Your ability to Glitch through/over things is only limited by the Cooldown and having enough energy and the Overdrive will cause a shockwave at the location you were at stunning nearby enemies.

I've been enjoying this Item a lot and I can't wait until everybody else can get their hands on it!

I will be aiming to do a Live Stream of some Dev work every Saturday and I will try to announce them here, on Twitter and on Discord so make sure you're following at least one of those!



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