Episode 3 just released!

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024
Farnham Fables Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie
Developer: Ethrea Dreams
Release Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2016
Phew, finally, Finally, FINALLY Episode 3 has been released!
Man that took far longer than it should have.

By the way, along with Episode 3, I made some additional fixes to the previous two Episodes as well.

-Fixed the audio problem where it wasn't saving to your Profile file whenever you adjusted the volume.
-Fixed a problem where, if you CREATE a Profile file, it wouldn't save properly until you quit and reloaded.
-Optimized the inventory slots object (just some behind-the-scenes coding, you won't see any difference).
-Ethrea's text is now a shade of blue on the title screen.
-Added the option to have white text on black instead of black text on grey.
-Added Save and Load buttons in the menu bar.

I'd also like to address why Episode 1 is now available for free on the website (and itch.io), but not here.
Apparently we wouldn't be able to keep the trading cards, and the reputation for free games on Steam is that they're, ugh, "free to play," a nice sounding term for an absolutely terrible thing that I PROMISE I will NEVER EVER create or release ANY games like that.

So that's why it still costs money here, but don't blame Steam for this, because the decision was still mine to make, I just wanted to explain why I made it.

-Andrew Tallini, Ethrea Dreams

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