
Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2023
Game: Howlbreath
Howlbreath Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Free to Play, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, RPG, Strategy
Developer: Howlbreath
Release Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2022
** NOTE: chat changed so that only the ENTER key will start letting you type into chat/cmd **

Small update, changes:

  • Modify chat so that only the ENTER key initiates typing chat
  • Add ability to re-bind keys using a new Hot Keys dialog via the System dialog
  • Update inventory bag so that you can CTRL+drag to auto stagger items
  • Add help question mark to inventory bag
  • Change new items in bag inventory so they stagger on entry
  • Correct issue with drag and drop on other players/NPCs sometimes shows drop dialog (should be give/trade/sell)
  • Remove level limit from entry underground areas
  • Add reasoning msg if a /rep cmd is rejected
  • Correct bug in poison resistance calculations
  • Increase double axe damage
  • Decrease arrow price and increase arrow stack size
  • Modify how party member exp gains are distributed so that each member gets somewhat more than a direct lvl-based ratio. Distributions are still based on levels, but every member gets more exp now. This makes it so that it is generally beneficial for people to hunt in a party versus solo.
  • Minor modifications to various text colors and sizes to make them more readable
  • Add help question mark to chat history dialog
  • Correct snake proportions

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