DETOUR Update Released

Author: From Steam
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2023
DETOUR Game Banner
Genre: Indie, Strategy
Developer: Geoff 'Zag' Keene
Release Date: Mon, 16 May 2011

An update to DETOUR has been released. The update will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

- 28 Achievements have been added to DETOUR!
- Truck Themes added! You can now stylize your trucks! Themes unlock when you acquire certain achievements. You can change your truck theme in the multiplayer lobby.
- GAME MECHANIC CHANGE: Building on a recently destroyed tile will now have a longer cooldown for the player who previously owned it. (4 second cooldown instead of 2 for every one else)
- Symmetry modes in the map editor are now correctly labeled
- Some memory usage has been decreased, we are no longer loading certain images in the background
- Wetlands water now displays properly
- Lobby ready signal should not longer be out of sync with clients and host
- Turrets now properly lock out at the max limit of 3
- Neutral turrets placed in map editor are now properly claimable in game
- Text chat dropshadow removed, no longer double stacked. Text chat should look much cleaner now.
- Trucks no longer treat tunnels like road when pathing, and will not longer remain stuck near turrets if there is another route.
- Party leader can no longer be changed in lobbies via menu option. Party leader only auto-switches to another player when host leaves the lobby.
- Character heads on Challenge screen are no longer too high on some resolutions.
- Merger mode has been removed until it functions as intended.
- Trucks to Win no longer carries over from singleplayer challenges to multiplayer lobbies (which was causing trucks to win default to be 3, instead of 10)
- Scanner Towers cost 5 credits down from 9.
- Police and Nail popped-tire announcements no longer claim you are the victim of the attack when you are not.
- Air turrets will no longer shoot down bombs of players on the same team.

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