Devil’s Bluff 1.03: The Patchening!

Author: From Steam
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024
Devil's Bluff Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: KBJGames
Release Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015
Good Day, Bluffers!
Hope everyone is in a murderous mood on this fine day! As for us, well, we've heard your feedback regarding game balance, and we've just unleashed a patch that should satisfying many of your most wanted tunes and tweaks.

Here's a rundown:

  • A DEVILISH DELAY: So you know how some folks playing Devil would transform right at the start and ruin things? Not any more! Players will now have a full two minutes before Devil is allowed to terrorize the party. Once the capture meter is full for the first time, the player who gets to play Devil will be notified and the hunt is on!
  • DEVIL STRENGTH DRAIN: Were you one of those people who was all like "Whaaa! there's no reason to stay disguised as Devil!" We feel you, dawg! As such, Devil's strength bar (and his ability to resist capture) will drain slowly as long as he remains in Devil form. Likewise, it will slowly refill when Devil is in disguise. This means sneaky Devil is a strong Devil, and a sloppy Devil is more likely to get caught. Time to brush up on those mystery chops, people!
  • PRACTICE MODE: Many new players have been getting thrown into the fray without a chance to learn the Mansion but thanks to an old loophole we used during testing, players will now be able to explore the game on the solo tip in Practice Mode. We hope it helps get new Bluffers up to speed!
  • SCAVENGER HUNT SHUFFLE: Remember how clues used to spawn in the same room back-to-back? Yeah, that was lame. Because we hate stuff that sucks, we've revised the Hunt such that items no longer repeat, and made sure that less-loved spots like the basement and attic are in the regular rotation, as well.
  • AMPED UP END-GAME: Ever been in a game where it's just Devil and a lone Survivor, and the game of Hide-and-Seek goes on forever, and you fall alseep at your keyboard in spectator wishing they'd stop dancing and get down to business? Whelp, we have, too. So, to make sure the festivities keep moving, we're giving both access to special map features. Devil will now be able see where the final Survivor is, and the last party-goer will be able to see the location of the items their currently searching for. Time to get busy winning, or get busy dying, Bluffers!
  • DISCONNECT DEBRIEF: We had a bug where when you disconnect, the game said silly things like "Devil died!" when that totally didn't happen. This should be fixed now.

That should do it for now. We'll be online at 8PM EST to play the new build with folks, so be sure to come have some fun with us!

- Team KBJ

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