Alpha 1.0.3 Patch Notes

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 17 May 2023
Claustrophobia: The Downward Struggle Game Banner
Genre: Indie, RPG, Strategy, Early Access
Developer: The Indie Forge
Release Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2014

  • Added the Ability to throw potions.
  • Added Wide Doorways fitted with double doors.
  • Redesigned all XP and Level Scaling (recommended to start a new game due to inconsistencies).


  • Added the Ability to throw potions.
  • Added Wide Doorways fitted with double doors.


  • Added the Option to load your last Character's appearance when creating a new Character.
  • Altered the colouring of the minimap for easier visability.
  • Leaderboard entries made before major balance changes now have an outdated tag, and will be overridden by all new entries.
  • Added a warning message that will display When attempting to load a save file that is no longer compatible with the current build.


  • Elite, Champion, and Hellish enemies now have buffs to their base damage.
  • Elite, Champion, and Hellish enemies no longer have buffs to their Hit Rating.
  • Elite, Champion, and Hellish enemies awarded XP reduced.
  • Enemies with the Beserker mod's damage modifer and Dexterity reduced.
  • Squish's Base stats increased.
  • Rat-at-tack's base Damage and Modifier reduced.
  • Constitution scaling of enemies increased to 3 Constitution per level, up from 2.


  • Execution's base damage increased to 120% Weapon Damage, 30% Strength. In addition, Damage gained from the target's lost health increased to 120%.


  • All potions now have effects when used on an enemy.


  • Redesigned all XP and Level Scaling (recommended to start a new game due to inconsistencies). This change also effects leaderboard scoring.
  • Critical Damage gained from Strength reduced to 1 point every 2 Strength, down from 1 every 1 Strength.
  • Critical Chance and Critical Damage now apply diminishing returns rather than having a hard capped value.


  • Fixed Interaction inconsistancies with the Dungeon Exit.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Armour gain from Strength to be incorrect.
  • Invisible Enemies no longer show up on the minimap.
  • Invisible Enemies no longer count during any condition checks for nearby enemies.
  • Various Tooltip typos corrected.

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