Project Downfall 29th HOMERUN Early Access Update is now live!

Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024
Project Downfall Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: MGP Studios
Release Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2022

Greeting Crimson Community,

The huge homerun update has just dropped. We hope you enjoy this one! Oh and to mark this special, once in a lifetime occassion, it would only be fitting to acknowledge this with an according sale. Till the 18th of August the game will be 75% off. The v.1.0 (ETA lateOctr/early Nov)update will also come along with a sale, but these will be noticeable smaller than during Early Access (the v.1.0 will most likely be around 15-20%).

Not only that, but 3 tracks are available for download. Both tracks from the new trailers as well as the track which plays in one of the Warsaw levels. Get em here:

As for the update: Loads of quality of life updates, features and tweaks, huge content refinement and update, new tracks, new events.....way way more. As usual, check further below for the full, detailed breakdown. Also, some (1-2)smaller updates are expected to drop withing the next 2 weeks.

Huge shoutouts go out to those helping out with the translation effort (Garyou Tensei, 12Over12, Dazdinga, Gamb, Missing, Nekromorg, Sinth) as well as the awesome community as a whole! Thanks for helping us get to where we are today with Project Downfall.

But please, don't let up now. This is the final stretch and we want to get as much done for v.1.0. so please drop us feedback, video clips, requests, bug/balance reports etc (discord is preffered here: this is the fastest and most efficient way to reach us).


-Halo inspired aim assist: most recurring feedback we got during Pxiel Heaven was the issue with non intuitive pickups with gamepad and general difficulty of stringing flashy combos. Now there is an aim assist both for drops (with small offset to make them a bit easier) and enemies. Stringing combos on the gamepad has never been easier! This comes with a few different adjustable settings so you can find the values which are right for you.

-HDR lighting intensity setting: we already had a bloom setting but this was for light dispersement and dithering. The HDR setting will adjust the "last" effect so now you can adjust the visuals more selectively to your liking

-Rage activation alternate solution (with possibility to select original combo input)

-Pill duration timer variation: now you have a few variations for more direct visibility

-2 New exclusive tracks courtesy of Marcin Benesz.

Lantan : will make for some instense encounters with the Kyoncha district rooftop escape as we as a certain hospital encounter

Acid : one of the alternative tracks that will play out in the doctors office (based on sanity)

-Added max dead bodies visible. Lowering this will improve performance.


-fixed trauma headhsot registry (Thanks: gamb)

-ambush pre empt fixed unlock (locked off elevator in final stage) (Thanks: DCX)

-subhub unlock changed to fix logic unlock in intro (train mroning commute must be finished) (Thanks: HansJustHans)

-locked off door in cldbr heights station in lev sel hub for demo (so level can't be accessed from demo and cause lockup since level is not in game)

-Change default crosshair style.

-Fix gamepad toggle run. (re-activated)

-Format accumulated combo points with commas for better readability.

-fixed miniugnner lowshoot bug blowhard

-added minigun enemy variant turret For enemies shooting from higher position to avoid collision low barier obstacle collision bugs

-fixed weapon drop floor package final

-fixed gate collider navmesh package fisrt action section

-station cab fixed and more engaging first enemies encounter , AR thug aggro

-wawa fixed navmesh steps from patelnia to passage

-harder shading on throw garb anims (new normal map)

-sub hub fixed OC gate topside

-sub hub fixed hole by end of blue line train, added details

-passing through adding overpass gate open event on right side on shotgunner kill (for both difficulties)

-passing through fixed navmesh enemies cant exit train topside and navmesh carve for gate open event

-fillerup final elevator end lev event updated/fixed (ie missing elevator when ambush active, OC fixed, conditions updated, closed elevator shaft when elevator leaves etc)

-further tweaks and polish and safeguards to fillerup elevator final event

-added dumpster phys object to fillerup to open new combat possibilites

-jman 2 fixed kill eavesdrop and fixed error logs/optimisation. Added barrel phys object to alley right

-mansion fixed hole which could block player if fell into and updated destructible statues in midesction to updated new versions

-cleaner updated enemy speed (was too fast), updated lighting and destructible ads/panels and OC

-ec first stage multiple tweaks: new details, props, ai tweaks, updated overpass, new lighting variations, parallax scrolling clouds be freeway, new materials/textures etc)

-further tweaks to EC start area, added spedition containter crane kill event/possibility

-prl interior added forced aggro to wall shoot ambush final enemies and updated/fxied certain destructive elements

-dead heat aggro start fixed

-updated and fixed package/crossroads/package free cloubreak station entrance (details/collider etc

-package free encoutner street added with new lighting, ambient, details, cop panic and npc score/stats etc

-added gang variation spawn based on game/save progress (either shinji, svoloch or harolds crew)

-crossraods start updated with encounter based on package route compltetion, new ambient props details lighting etc

-fixed brainmag psx e first chat fix export and tag

-added back texutre and materials to new tracksuit thug variations

-added pavlov jr to cranson ris high brothel with according condtions and fitting ones on the TV back home after the level

-updated AI aggro for second enemy package ambush move out from behind corner and will initiate combat to avoid missing aggro with colmn based enemies

-fixed ending B chronology text

-Don't use SunShafts for FovCamera.

-tweaked cloud var blowhard final (certain versions had too intense glare)

-jman final end levl teleport to car even with glitch brain and audio-so players wont have to wast time looking for exit)

-added destructible chain uphold spedition crate event for ethnic 1, updated crane model

-fixed enemy gate pahse clip in filler up final section (fixed navmesh with carved obstacle for sliding gate), updated garbage container position and difficulty diable for hard and nmare

-run 1-0, override clear lev loop to base track tune (Thanks: Sinth)

-gatecrasher endlev elevator entry added (polished exit of lev and updated), udpated AI and speed, smaller tweaks

-Remove camera source unnecessary for FPS game.

-topfloor benefeactors update/polish meshes and material and added battle chopper with minigun with route WIP

-added uzi sparks for choppr hit

-combat chopper further tweaks WIP

-topfloor benefact remowrked meshes with old legacy invert mesh map

-topfloor further tweaks and details benefactors (ie updated whole desktop computer set destroy, buildings low, glass destroy fall through first kc, long ceiling lights etc)

-updated prbuild material pallete with asc mat ref

-benefactor final rooftop whole stage polish (updated add surrounding bulding and props, lightin, material updates, general polish to map and AI etc) still WIP

-further tweak roof map benef final WIP

-fixed coin destroy static bug

-added 2 new phys object snack machines

-updated exchange station intro (lighting, details, ai, events, aggro calls , props, mood etc) still WIP

-kc echcange 1 stage updated materials and props. Removed legacy method (impact ) for chairs and replaced with physical object solution

-updated exchange intro sub hub with new updated version

-passage KC exchange updated with details/propos/lighting

-passage kc exchange further tweaks( updated see through wall on corner for easier ricochet kill possiblity

-exchange bazaar fixed mixer audio and updated ambient sounds

-exchange passage further details and updated ricochet kill opportunity event. New details props, destructibles etc

-exchange main final multiple details and polish (various post start player spawns mood, hdr updated, polish to start area, new props buidling , ads etc, updated surface sounds and fixed clipping, added grime and durt to textures, added superkickable container to start area etc) WIP

-exchange start station new exit updated area

-kc subway gate end event exchange added

-kc bazaar added more props and details/sounds etc

-added gorehole to enemies still using old method, ie KC agents, KC op variants

-desk computer dsestruction update (aded carve navmesh logic to destruction so enemies wont phase through)

-exchange intro smaller tweaks and details

-topfloor benefactors multiple new destrcitbles and details (desk sets, AI, destructible lamps with dyn lights etc)

-updated glasspsray distance sound

-benfactor final updated ground final section details WIP and balcony closeup/polish

- gatecrasher kc lobby polish and details to map, added HDR and tweaked lighting accordingly

-passage exchange details and final exit event added

-kyoncha exterior updated lighting (exchange final)

-benefactor final large update to ground area(bazaar with destructible food stalls, updated AI, aggro, events, exit, updated OC and navmesh etc) WIP

-exchange route levels upadtes. updated exit to benfactor final, bazaar area tweaks and polish, kyoncha cho new details and building and updated navmesh and vol scrol cloud low below balcony mood variations

-benefactors interior elevator ecnounter material, lighting, detail updates(faster elevator doors, updated materials, lighting effetcs mood etc)

-added updated dmr variants. both ingame now

-benefactor stage order switched

-updated final ground encoutner bazaar benefactors

-gatecrasher polish and visual tweaks (mood lighting stairs, smaller details)

-trauma boss music event added (Lantan:track by MArcin B) with logic and tesnion buildup and bosskill etc

-benef final ground encounter (Lantan by Marcin B) with logic , buildup, and related events

-work lobbby and doc added optional new track (Acid by Marcin B)

-Change default analog run to false.

-new tracks critical submission and mortal star(pix heaven trailer) added to project

-added new track WIP to fugitive canals

-fixed missing pickup arrow dmr rico

-benefactor drop events audio added final, added tweaks to taxi area and lighting variations to bazaar area

-canal fugitive fixed audio scene music issues, added judicator pill and battle chopper with path and events

-passage exchange fixed ambient (office sound added and removed crown amb, applied correct mixer)

-topfloor benefactors added battle chopper with route and updated destructible glass walls to be more flashy

-azur hub wanted event added spawn battle chopper with route on highest(new) aggro level

-Change "Keyboard" to "Genera" in Input settings tab, since it's for keyboard and gamepad.

-Ignore targets when assist is disabled for them.

-Sort aim assist targets by distance.

-updated canals with cover for chopper run, updated chopper colliders, smaller nav details etc

-benefactcors final roof drop events fixed (Audio drop sounds)

-berserk gore update. more vairants, more decals, gore particles variations etc

-updated berserk logic for new variants (Caution: to check camera reaper sometimes breaks)

-canal fugitive updated meshes from alpha to current game ver method and polish

-benefactor first 2 stages improved lighting and added new dynamic track with fluid play through between stages, updated topflor benef KC start aggro event and sawnoff pickup

-benefactors first drop updated event with crack ground decal on impact

-added simple npc deduct points to cit npcs on street lev in benefactors final

-howler updateer barrel texture and material

-turtle added back texture and material

-canal fugitive added exit event and added steel beams to support columsn (and work well with destruction), updated texteures, pors, decals etc

-assassin footsteps added (test mall)

-trauma start sections details and polish, AI update

-trauma final added minigunner instead of regular mingun pickup

-canal fugitive tweaks and polish to exit area and AI,chopper events

-canal boss start area update -multiple details props, updated mech drop event etc

-azur hub chopper updated

-mall detail, materials tweaks, lighting and neon updated, elevator interior material update, timer endlev 3d sound event added, light arches for better visibility etc

-further mall updated, neon wall for better navigation, olga anim with material, verona interior with teleport logic polish, lock condition and logic, olga kill logic etc

-updated alternate boss strategy route for trauma final. Updated whole evetns for boss (new lighting, corridor, new OC, enemy aggro calls, new props etc)

-trauma start final section updated with detailed props and kill acid camera based on sanity after first kill

-kyoncha cho updated exterior area: multiple gighrise details and props, materials etc, updated exit /end lev event

-lev sel hhub fixed map material to not ingore vol lights

-start screen added failsafe activation for COD (tv new interact)

-airport kc downtime exit updated and polished WIP (updating to smalltime escape)

-tarreace topdog metarial and detail updates, polish to map etc

-answers details and polish to whole level events, lighting, trigger event, mesh polish etc WIP)

-topdog final multiple updates (final section lockoff so player wont get blocked from finishng level ,ai ,lighting, endlev elevator ext, alfred event lockoff logic , new OC etc)

-downtime intro further details and tweask (mutliple grime and dirt props, polish to initial encounter area, updted and closed up acrchitecture and meshes, updated materials, superkickable props etc)

-top dog final updated next lev transition sound

-downtime airport large update: AI final section with flank, assault logic, details and lighting, fixed section progress (so enemies wont get closed off preventing finsihing level etc)

-airport kc updated AI and battle tweaks final section

-terrace better connection with next stage topdog-new ashton suite bulding with entracenand evetns added

-downtonw azur updated with crowds roaming, setup connection events and conditions, elevator to tengu, improved lighting visibility with mood variations

-mall barriers tweaks and olga final event

-trauma neon low tweaks and glass destruct on player jump through

-added better exit from garage mall setup to next stage

-Implement visible body limit.

-airport dowotnime and grounded fixed blocked end toilet area hole

-tweaked lighting final area tween to downtime

-ethnic start fixed new chain sound (removed loop on start bug)

-casino roof updated hell mad post (softer)

-Add option to destroy enemies in TOILET_VR. for the test AI area

-talltrees dick and burning house event updated and polished (more flames, flames kill on enter inside, wooden support beam to hut added and stairs with wood surface sound, dead detective outside house texture with material etc)

-fixed decal paint for white KC ops

-added chainlink ti ris high final on levl completion

-added sling and jail pill to start airport downtime on level completion and moved barrier to top of escalator to make FC possible

-updated headshot logic and related sub treet. added destruct head spray (teeth, eyeball etc)

-added dedicated DMR and low cal decals , 4-7 each variations each each according spawns/logic

-fixed DMr pickup duplication. Now DMR and DMR rico pickups will not interfere and override each other

-asylumum mad killer details lighting added mood variations (WIP

-passing through udpated final event sound distance roloff

-fillerup updated destructed hanging lamps and fixed interior elevator tween gfx

-genesis final udpated start train car model to new model and general mood effects and tweaked hint popup logic

-added chainlink pickup dispenser to ethnic and ris high final with unlock condition interaction for post prl,thuglife

-tunnel shortuct first tstage fixed surface sound lowest section

-office lobby fixed alistair logic for work/ali meetup relation: if working hours are in, ali meeting topside chat will be disabled

-jman first stage replaced note with phonecall pickup event with ring acivate after kill threshold reached

-ethnic final polish updated textures, details, materials, new OC, props, grime, trash etc and details and end lev escape event

- added smaller details to rising high final (new map elements)

-updated pistol thud hit sound 3d fix (only for pistol currently)

-sabotage end lev event updated and better view, elevator event, various post player mood spawns

-ethnic final arrow on finish added

-updated prl personal final interior whole section, epic view, destructible glass, new OC improved destructible ambush final section, added details, painting on walls, moody lighting and clouds below with 3d audio wind and elevator exit

-updated hit dmage logic for chav main: updated headshots for small and high call random sprays, melle smash and other more variations and tweaks

-fixed glass window spawn thickness prl final peronsal

-ethnic ar enemy random shoot series, constant fire was annoying here

-sabotage final destructible corridor added

-perosanl start roof exit event improved (exit event ,gate open event and transition sound, fixed surface sound roof etc)

-fixed arrow final exit ehtnic end

-doc interior alternate sanity lv events (paintings, mood light)

-traume kc heavy placed a bit further from reception desk other wise player would get stuck when jumping through/over

-ethnic final optimised materials and new OC

-rising high brothel added superkickabble snack machine

-prl interior personal final wall destruct left side tweaks

-updated basic thug walk animation variations and related speed thresholds

-fixed destruct wall left its personal final MG section

-Fix brutality translation key.

-fixed ethnic final pickup special chainlink dispenser (enabled / can pickup if aggrod enemy

-fixed BTILT removed placeholder intro npc (thanks: Kyoncha Operative)

-multiple tweaks and fixes to ascent level still WIP (including updated texture start area/replaced placeholder from rising high: thanks Kyoncha Operative), fixed enemy size, fixed first enemy melee weapon, updated textures etc

-updated alpha version quicke fix f magazines

-added new magazine and food box textures and applied to quicke fix and genesis train start shelf

-subhub another day at the office karaaage new ad

-ascent smaller tweaks (WIP) and fixed destrcutible occlusion culling

-changed rage hole actiavtion time from 0.167 to 0.3

-added new colletion of graffiti and stickers

-ascent further tweaks, new sections and alternative routes, new destructibles and props and enemies. fixed OC, updated navmesh better enemy placement and cleanup (WIP)

Disable throw weapon and pickup animation in Newblood game mode.

-added details and polish to clouds mood ascent

-witness detail graffiti added

-rising high start area detail graffiti and stickers added

-sabotage dancefloor added moood lighting variations to dancefloor on start (instead of control panel since nobody uses it)

-fixed/updated kc idle slow override anim for new speed based variations

-diner updated exit and missing aggro call for midway enemy

-resort added detail to start area and updated final area with exit and lighting

-great timing bazaar updated car interaction visibility and polished/updated exit level event

-mall updated event and condition for verona event entry

-azur hub flower destination event and logic added (in relation with new maal event)

-new ecoins added along with pickup events and logic (redhand hotel, ascent, resort)

-added elevator end lev event and samurai miniboss aggro event trigger in ascent

-start screen elevator extended interaction cursor distance

-re added chav thug variation overrides vairation speed move anims (previous commit somehow reverted to old values or only saved localy?)

-ashton avenue crods roaming added and polished exit area

-smalltime sewers edngame gfx updated with new detailed much improved version

-updated chav base texutre for head stump

-updated multi mix spritemesh enemies dismember to avoid unlimited sprite stretch (ie sumo thick, kc thick etc)

-sabotage start exit area to dancefloor updated and polished

-updated new home (higher fps/framecount from 30 to 60)

-benefactors lantan updated to new updated version (lantan riff with bass and solo update)

-updated changelog


So that's it for the last major Early Access update. Hope you enjoy and till the next one.

The Downfall Team,

Mike, Dawid

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