Big Update for my Big Birthday

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 04 May 2023
1 Screen Platformer Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: Return To Adventure Mountain, LLC
Release Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2019
Hey hey I turn 40 years old this week. As I do with every birthday I put all my games on sale.
Check out these deals

Quality of life update

I also decided as a special birthday present to update 1 Screen Platformer with a ton of quality of life improvements.

Here they are

  • Update 1.40 (You get it? 40? Heh this old man still got it kids.)
  • Leaderboards! I don’t know why I didn’t add this earlier, I have a damn speed running game. It took me a while to implement but they are in there. Go hurry and get your name up on the leaderboard before the rest of the speedrunners discover this and figure out how to beat my game in -1 minutes.
  • Fall through: When you are on a 1-way platform you can now push the down arrow and you will fall through. Why didn’t I do this earlier? I don’t know, I was being a snob. When I started making this game I was thinking “A perfect platformer should have as few mechanics as possible.” But now I am 40 and I am like nah I am getting too old to be ideologically pure. Let them have their fun. Go crazy kids, drop through as many floors as you want, and then go grab me a beer.
  • Optional resolutions: I added a selectable option for Full Screen, Windowed 1920x1080 and Windowed 960x540. Now you can text your snapchat tik toks in one window while playing my game in the other. Kids you are so good at your multi-tasking. If you want ultra wide screen I might do that but I wasn’t sure if anyone really wanted that. So comment below if you do and I MIGHT do it.
  • No window focus = No Input. This one is just for me. I am sometimes playing 1 Screen Platformer then switch over to type something up and notice that my game was listening to every key input. No MORE! If you switch to a different window you will no longer jump into that lava pit.

Now for the bad news.

I was hoping to get a build of 1 Screen Platformer Prologue out to you kids as a special birthday present but guess what? We got a pandemic on our hands and day care isn’t exactly open for business so I gotta be a game developer / preschool teacher. My 3 year old takes priority over video game making so things are going to take a bit longer.

If you want to know when it is coming out subscribe to my newsletter here:

What did you get me?

What me? You want to get me something? No way?
Ok here is what you can do.

  • Go leave a review on one of my games. Doesn’t have to be a good one. Does have to be an honest one. Write something you liked, something you didn’t like for every one of my games you own. That would make me so happy. Here are the games
    Return of the Zombie King AND
    1 Screen Platformer
  • Wishlist 1 Screen Platformer 2 and 1 Screen Platformer Prologue

  • Write your comment!