Version 1.05 - Production Sheet and Reports!

Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2024
Movie Studio Boss: The Sequel Game Banner
Genre: Casual, Indie, Simulation
Developer: Eddy & Gary & Friends
Release Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014
Thanks for all the feedback. v1.05 is now out of beta and available to players of the game. Here are the details of the update...

Update v1.05
Update 1.05 brings an alternative – stats based - way to run your movie studio. You can still play Movie Studio Boss The Sequel the old way by clicking on buildings but this new way focuses on having the information you need to run your studio on screen all the time.

To display the new screen, called the Production Sheet, click on the Movie Slate button (the stack of film cans top left of the screen) or press P. You can now – if you wish - play the game from this one screen!

The Production Sheet
The top of the Production Sheet shows you your money, the number of your films in production and on the far right the date.

The body of the screen shows you your films and what information you see will depend on the production phase the film is in plus if you click on the information for that film what happens next depends again on the exact status of the film. You can use this screen as the base to play the whole game from!

You can start making a film by pressing the New Film button at the top. The new film panel appears and you can set how you are going to make the film in the usual way.

So your new film is added to the Production Sheet listing with the phase of Development. The status column shows you need a scriptwriter and a director. So if you click on the status column the game will open up the scriptwriter screen for you to hire a scriptwriter. Once you've hired a scriptwriter the status column will change to show you now just need a director. Click on the status again and the hire director screen will appear! Once you've hired your director if you click on Status you can see how the script is progressing and press the Greenlight button when you want to move the film into pre-production!

Note: clicking on the film's title brings up the credits screen.

You can find out more about the film's content by pressing the Content button or more information by pressing the Info button. Press the Status button to go back to seeing the film's status.

For a film in Pre-production the status screen works in the same way. Every time you click, a screen needing your attention will appear until you've hired all your talent and made all the decisions you need to make for this phase. You can then start filming the motion picture.

Should a problem occur during filming you can click on the Status and the production issue panel will appear for you to deal with the issue.

Once filming ends the phase will change to Post-production and you can now click on the status column to hire the talent needed to finish the film. Each week you will then be told the progress and can click on the Status column to move the film into the Release phase.

For a film on the Release phase you are shown for the US market the film's awareness and the currently set release plan. Click on the US part to display the marketing screen where you can set what you want to happen. You are also shown the release information for the International and home retail (DVD/Blu-ray) markets.

Once a film is launched you'll see how much money that market brought in last week (LW) and cumulative.

As you play you might end up with handling 100s of films. The filter section allows you to show just the films you are interested in.

Information is vital when running your studio so select which report you want to see and they will appear to the right of the Production sheet. You have a choice of 10 reports. Including:

Studio Ranking – how well you are doing against the competition.
Studio Film Development – shows for each studio how many films they have in each production phase.
Film Overall Summary – for each film see how much it cost to make, their income, how profitable they are and how many awards they've won.
Box Office Summary – see which films have taken the most money.
Opening – see the opening week's figures for films.
Last Week's Box Office – see how films did last week.
Financial Position – see how you are doing financially.
US Figures – see the US figures for your films.
International Figures – see the International figures for your films.
DVD / Blu-ray Figures – see the DVD/Blu-ray figures for your films.

How many reports you can see on screen depends on the width of your screen resolution. The wider your screen resolution the more reports that can be shown. For example really large screens (1920 x 1080) can show 9 reports!

To close a report either click on the report's OK button or press the button you used to display the report.

You can display the Licensing, Awards and News panels without leaving the Production Sheet by clicking the buttons here.

Thanks again for the feedback.

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