Space Hulk Dev On What Went Right & Wrong, What s Next

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2023
Game: Space Hulk
Space Hulk Game Banner
Genre: Indie, Strategy
Developer: Full Control Studios
Release Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013

Space Hulk Space Hulk Space… Hulk? Full Control’s adaptation of the cult classic Games Workshop boardgame turned out to be a divisive experience after very much in the latter camp when he covered it for us.

Last month, the Danish devs Space Hulk: Ascension edition, which has a looser, faster, flashier interpretation of the hallowed source material, including adding roleplaying mechanics, revised combat, different types of enemy, many more weapons and a slew of brand new missions. I talked to their lead Thomas Lund about the intent behind this deliberately more ‘videogamey’ standalone expansion, what’s changed both on the surface and deeper down, the critical differences between a boardgame and a videogame, why the two Space Hulks are companions rather than replacements, his response to criticism of the first game, why it had a messy launch and what they’ve learned from it all.

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