Demo for Monsterstone: Prelude is now available!

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2023
MonsterStone: Prelude Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Early Access
Developer: Bended Rules
Release Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2022

You can now play the first few levels for free

I wanted to have at least some kind of playable version available to the public, but I had my hands full getting the full game working and released first. Since I was forced to remove the sale option for the full version of the game, I wanted to work towards the demo version next, and here it is!

The result is the demo that is now freely available to anyone who wants to try out the game. You will be able to play through the first couple of levels, slightly modified to fit into the scope of the demo.

Now that the demo is out, and I am able to easily make separate builds for both the full and demo version, I can return focus to game content. No major promises, but the idea was to be able to easily update the demo version with applicable content, in case something changes for the full version. With how it was implemented, this is now achievable for me to do, by changing a few settings and making a new build, very handy!


  • A separate demo version of the game, available through the store page for those who don’t already own the game.


  • The keybinds menu now has its sub-menus scale appropriately (no more large grey box covering the whole screen).

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