Project Downfall 27th Early Access Update is now live

Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024
Project Downfall Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: MGP Studios
Release Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2022
Greetings Crimson Community,

The 27th Update is now live both for the full Early Access and demo. Quite a lot of polish, refinement and updated features. As usual a detailed description can be found below. Possibily a smaller update wil be dropping within the week.

We will be aiming to get a Release Cadidate ready by the end of July, so in around 2 more updates. After that it will boil down to community feedback until we get the greenlight fo v.1.0. So please keep the feedback coming, it's really helping us speed up finalising and refining the game!

-Azur plaza hub new underground section.

-Azur plaza wanted system. Active once Azur plaza open up and police patrols show up in the area. Break the law and face the consequences. With a full tier system, so the higher your wanted level, more speicalised units will be called in to pacify the unruly threat. Along with the new underground section in the hub surviving this onslaught will prove to be a challenge.

-New feature: boss skills. Now bosses and heavies will have various sets of special moves ie throwing a bottle that can stun the player, or taking out a rocket launcher and sneding off a barrage of missiles, zapping with a taser and more

-New bosses and enemies

General tweaks and fixes:

-fixed cleaner exit terminal (thanks: TF2NoobPlayer64) and added smaller details, grime, mood light fog variations dust

-lev sel hub replaced old method door to new door swing method

-credits updated (unity/artstation/stock/etc assets info, vip discord community, etc) (still WIP)

-updated tming for new credits list

-canal boss events updated (evening set on kill, added traffic final scene details and lighting and weapon disable etc)

-canal boss final event updated (Exit car with event, larger crowd, improved photo take, added Planes of Reality: courtesy of Hardwater)

-mech fixed damage, created dedicated hit event-no blood, only bullet hit decal and sparks etc.

-updated details and tweaks for final boss (sounds, ambient, details etc)

-added hinge destroy nuts and bolts prefab event with sound on superkicked door

-fixed lev sel hub door hit enemy with new system colllider and placement

-jman 2 glass double door destruct hinges added

-street hub azur and pleasure hub prepped for npc and cop aggro variations.

-added new destruct hinge to new event for superkicked door

-first implementation of cop aggro logic in azur hub. currently 2 waves, based on current map position

-adding prep for above logic to pleasure hub

-dmr update material

-cod start double door and destructible new hinge logic

-cop aggro event update for azur hub (cop car arrive brake sound 3d, sirens 3d sound, added carve to car navmesh further tweaks)

-sawn off triple threat polish and new anim set

-streethub cop cars siren anim an reowkred logic for updated squad cars

-fix sound sruface slumlow start providence

-dm2 material update and added animation for new gfx set

-updated cop wanted aggro logic (added sniper set)

-updated precision enemy sound to stand out more and highlight high damage weapon

-added and applied new sawnoff anim for left hand akimbo set and applied new anim for right hand in akimbo

-fixed muzle flash end frame for sawn off and blaster

-fixed arcade funny games level in demo list (thanks: TheLoneWildWolf)

-updatem DMR rico texure and details

-fixed fillerup enemy clip garage through wall/gate/door (Thanks: TheLoneWildWolf)

-assigned wall meshed to correct layer in fillerup

-added and applied anim set for RICO DMR

-mg new set anim and gfx rework

-fixed snipers aggro cop logic street azur hub spawn

-updated MG bullet chain anim , texutre , norm and material

-prep dedicated textures for casino boss NRF grunt and boss

-added new enemy: Yurij NRF Merc Boss and NRF Grunt

-casino roof replaced placeholder enemies in boss area to NRF variants (snipers to NRF grunts and boss to cyborg hell and Yuirij NRF merc)

-added and applied yurij dedicated hit even logic (removed alpha holes)

-rooftop casino boos encounter updated: sane version Yurij lighting, post etc) and general: 2 snipers (tbd if on normal or higher difficulties)

-nrf casino boss roof encounter updated (boss aggro, speed and accel etc.)

-added nrf yurij dedicated walk anim to be more in synch with movement speed

-yurij boss added special move mock rocket launcher

-yurij boss added special move mock rocket launcher

-casino roof updated boss event with track playing on boss area enter, updated Jo event and chat.

-added new Jo SM model for Rectum meeting and applied

-updated hitgroups mg (added debris with sound and ceramic bursts etc

-casino roof sniper nrf movement dsiabled to avoid unpredictable elements in boss fight

-updated azur hub underground area with-further tweaks and polish

-updated hitgroups MG to be more impactful when hitting enemies

-updated azur hub underground multiple areas (new WIP stairwell CTU stairwell), added door interactable to yun fan passage etc

-azur hub replaced old stair to lexington undeground to elevator (WIP) and updated undeground area at lift bottom

-azur hub:updated elevator underground with sgirded door slide, added cop undeground spawn aggro logic, updated OC for underground and new/updated areas.

-added gorhole new unithit event system to enemies missing it (fat biker, triad slim variations)

-raised threshold sane casino roof and added difficulty spawn fr NRF snipers roof

-added SWAT pathfinding logic based on sectors and updated other spawns and cleanup logic for azur hub. Updated navmesh stair tunnel backsection

-bonzo hit gore event added

-added foostep oryg chav casino roof

-updated yurij encounter and logic

-added rocket launcher enemy turret weapon

-azur hub added swat patrol radius set and updated aggro, reinforcment tier logic

-added cop long range sniper

-updated wanted logic to azur hub (implemented also wanted level count on kills but effect threshold reached not implemented yet)

-casino roof yuriy timed events updated and tweaked

-blowhard added 3d wind to terrace side

-trauma passage fixed surface sound step and ambient in trauma start

-updated aggro snipers in azur hub and general wanted logic

-further tweaks yurij encounter (timing specials, added animations and rocket launcher etc), updated regular rocket enemy rof

-azur hub updated slight tweaks to ai snipers

-added new enemy nrf sniper with red laser pointer shoot override to casino roof

-added sniper laser sight cops and added to azur hub, updated cop base aggro wanted logic

-removed yurij flinch

-added czort yurij version

-updated post event variations for casino roof boss fight

-ranged noalpha eventhit updated decals and effects for yurij and czort

-added bleedout to chav orig -casino roof

-updated exhausted anim to be in synch

-fixed cop3 incorrect hit event

-casino roof multiple fixes (thanks:gamb), roof outofbounds, tv wall interact, door interact pre hooker kill etc,

-added new dynamic track events to boss casino

-updated passage details to azur hub (tunnel and to cloudbreak station etc)

-casino roof tweaked demon boss health to be more like yurij in sane ver

-street azur hub further updates to aggro logic and details (polish, unlcokable gate from behind logic, lockdown events, gate and neon to lexington terminal etc)

-improved pistol single tracer

-azur hub destails added to cloudbreaks station and lexington terminal exits. Also updated aggro lock event thresholds

-added pavlove event to casino roof finale with sanity variations/events/chats

-azur hub slight tweaks to new exits and unlock aggro logic

-added new spritesheet anim sets for throw/grab with according shading

-rectum miniboss skill added

-miniboss weapon and projectile/logic added bottle throw

-updated glassspray sound pitch

-rectum sauna miniboss event updated (events/animations etc)

-sauna2boss contoller tweaks and added stun

-slight rectum baths tweaks (entrance miniboss, timing etc, glass pitch tweaks etc)

-azur hub moved old wanted WIP to legacy and moved and improved old events to new dedicated team system. Applied tags to coresponding enemy groups/teams. so ie killing aggro triad wont count to wanted kill count etc)

-airport grounded tweaks 3rd floor, new escalaor, OC, navmesh, smaller tweaks, details, lighting, fixes etc (inly smalltime ver. to be added soon to downtime)

-added sauna miniboss to casino start (replaced old default sauna miniboss)

-updated enemy throw bottle to be slightly slower/easier to dodge and damage

-updated player post effect on stun (added dedicated)

-chav rofftop casino texture back fix (thanks: Gamb)

-enemy bottle throw destroy on hit added.

-casino start small tweaks to shiledign meshes in final section

-airport smalltime updated sniper end event (better tracer and bullet velocit and 3d incoming bullet whiz sound) and added new swat police hvy for sane version (replaced from old kc model)

-updated two hand shoot heavy animation enemy

-casino tweaks to meshes

-street hub mg swat updated to new dedicated heavy version

-new cop tracker: slim, fast, armoured, will throw stun nightstick if hurt. added to azur hubs wanted spawns

-updated airport small time hvy swat placements and weapons sane varsion

-further tweaks to special enemies and related logic/hitgroups (special slim armoured cop nightick throw, armoured hvy kc with tazer)

-updated wanted events toggle for azur hub

-airport st switched certain cops with special armoured cop (only sane version)

-cod new intro (thanks: based on Sinth feedback info of alternative route possibility if too hard), alternte start area logic etc

-start home apartment elevator new button gfx and event (toggle panel light switch on elevator call/arrive)

-updated canal boss final fans event (new fans, take photo anims events, multple new npc, leave scene event etc)

-start screen updated elevator entrance textures and details (fixed holes etc), added elevator moving sound bg to elvator bgm

-casino elevator endlev logic and event added. Now if final stage is reached player can go final stage after completing ground floor/skip vip section stage

-church interior new material and lighting modd variations/events

-fixed floating cube azur hub (Thanks: Sinth)

-cod intro with wanring brain and alfred chat look event

-start screen fixed unbreakable windows in apartment

-fixed OC cainso start

-cod new intro updated, gate pass, post start tweaks, passage to garage lighting and props etc

-church final door arch open event added

-cod midhalls sasha miniboss added

-cod midhall sasha miniboss update (new enemy texture/model/anims etc)

-sasha specific tweaks and variations with charge and skill values, footsteps etc

-further details for new COD intro details and polish (barrier street to physical objects, passage to travel to pleasurehub, further block of holes, gates etc)

-cod midhalls sasha miniboss update timing and anims, temp disabled stun until fixed for new melee charge skill

-updated chats for brain and alfred in new intro COD

-cod new intro further polish. added crowd bhard exit with gate lighting, added elevator to pleasure dome event updated details passage etc new OC

-church small platforms L and R at end with subtle vol light to enhance enemy visibility

-adda sasha minibosses ranged heavy to church and cod midhalls for hard and nmare

-wood bench destroy sound distance and volume upped (prop destr snd in church was too subtle)

-updated mech blood collision (Thanks: KC Operative)

-updated points for kill mech to 50k

-canal boss updated double sided material method

-updated decal hit spawn on mech

-updated new reaper post volume variations (lighting, texture bloom variations, grain etc)

-updated, possibly fixed bullet wall decals(removed unwanted shine): needs test for otpimisation

-new Harold Model and animation. Implemented in Brothel skins

-updated shotgun buckshot materials (Were missing texture)

-updated harold 2.0 idle anim

-harold model bathrobe 2.0

-softened bloom on repaer post 4 80->40

-casino roof helicopter event end added and fixed pavlavo variation chats with exploit logic prevention
updated harold bathrobe 2.0 texture

-updated fixed norm map for clubber gang in bhard/fillerup

-fixed clipping throw shoulder for all animation variations

-updated chopper dropp off boss event move to helipad in casino roof

-harold 2.0 new lighting event on balcony

-tweaked wanted level only for azur full unlock

-police car destroy fixed navmesh obstacle and general logic (legacy method removed, only physics mass now)

-new rocket launcher casino boss variiations

-mid size hole decal for MG hit group

-new muzzle flash MG

-blowhard events adapted for new logic with new COD connection

-adapted yurij speed to speed of czort

-Re-enable blood splatter panel on death

-bleedout updated fixed fists hit damage and repeaer gorehole event

-updated newsfeed

-new elevator home event and button interact event and post variations

-updated repaer red post to be more cinematic

-updated changelog

-added kc airport new element and 3rd floor from airport st

-old friends smalltime added new bonzo models and new npc igor brozniev with according logic. Adapted scene to new npcs and logic

-new harold avatar for brothel meet

-fixed new mistress jo avatar chat rectum


So that is it for this one. We will see you on the next one. Till then, stay safe!


The Downfall Team,

Mike, Dawid

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