Calme Column #2 "KARAKARA Released! Moe saves the the world!"

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 29 May 2024
KARAKARA Game Banner
Genre: Casual, Indie
Developer: calme
Release Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2016

Here is the translation for the second Calme column

This time, we are going to talk about the setting of KARAKARA!

Hello, this is Kio. It's been a month from the first one already!? Oh god! Time flies!

The progress from the last time is like clearing "Ace Attorney 6" the day after you buy the game at most.

Raifa is super cute!

Since I have a feeling that I'm going to get a firebomb thrown at me if I continue talking like this, I'm going to move to KARAKARA now. This entry is about the setting of KARAKARA and future development. However, the problem is that hardly anything about future development has been decided, and that makes it very hard to talk about it at this moment. Well, there is one thing I can tell you. The package version of KARAKARA is going to be released in stores in Japan at the end of this month! Please check either the calme official website or our Twitter account for details.

Now, I'm going to talk a little bit about the setting for the story. As I told you before, we chose the U.S. as the motif. Of course, the level of knowledge is that of someone who has only traveled to the U.S. a few times, so some parts are completely fiction. We put a lot of very Japanese factors, and planted some seeds that we can nourish and set some stuff that we can trigger in case there are going to be any sequels. This time has a comparatively short play time, so I would like you to enjoy intriguing details. There are so many exciting things, like radio towers on the sand and boys’ fantasies; aren’t they inviting? I love it, at least.

I looked at the feedback from people who had played the game, and there are a lot of people who find these mysterious settings very interesting, and that made me so happy. That being said, we can’t make sequels if this doesn’t sell well. So, those of you who purchased and played this game, if you can tell people around you about this game and help spread the word, I would really appreciate it. By the way, about 70% of the feedback on the Steam forum is something to the effect of “Lucia is my wife.” I’m happy that moe like this can overcome the oceans and spread across international borders. I was right: Moe saves the world.

Oh, by the way, when I wrote about pork beans, an acquaintance asked me how I make it. So, while I know this isn’t necessary, I’m going to share my recipe for pork beans with you all:

■Ingredients: sausage, pork belly, mixed vegetables, a package of stewed soybeans in water, butter, ketchup
■How to: Cut the pork belly and sausage. Melt the butter on a pan. Fry the pork belly and sausage. Add the other ingredients. Season with ketchup, salt, and pepper.

That’s it! There is no magic. What I like about this is that you can freeze almost all the ingredients, and that makes the whole thing easy. (The traditional recipe uses bacon, potatoes, and onions) This also pairs surprisingly well with a highball, so I recommend that. An old game by NekoNeko Soft that was like my home to me said, “Prepare snacks and drinks when you play this game” in the manual. For KARAKARA, you need snacks and alcohol when you play the game, too!

For our next time, the third entry……hmm. I think I will highlight the characters more. Maybe we’ll talk about Lucia, since she was very popular on the forum.
Thank you, and see you next time!

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