Update (v3.79): Save speed, dead space deities, resource icons, radio update

Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024
Game: Planetship
Planetship Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: LaserWzzrd Games
Release Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015
Hey spacebrains! I made some spacetime to hit the issues you brought up in the forums and the fixes from the todo list:

-Saving the game is 80x(!) faster thanks to some sqlite tweaks

-The radio now remembers where it left off between warps so you can enjoy whole "Dimension X" and "X Minus One" programs as you explore the multiverse

-A new anomaly - Dead Space Deities - these randomized crumbling bodies contain rare Actinoid elements to craft with

-Resource planets (food, water, fuel) now have a handy icon to help in tracking down what you'll need to survive in space

-When resources are low, the corresponding icon flashes red and oscillates scale to get your attention instead of just the resource meter flash

-General performance improvements - physics, particle system updates and more careful handling of memory - the min spec test machine had a 30% improvement in framerate between this and the last build

-Colliding planets spawn explosions in addition to spawning planet chunks that careen away from the impact

-The translation mini-game has a 4 second "incoming message" warning to keep from being so abrupt

-The player is now invincible mid-warp to avoid cheap shots from enemies while entering a system

-Larger event notification

-UI input timing tweaks

-Fixed camera FOV error when you use a dimension door with a non-default camera FOV in the options menu

I spent a good part of the beginning of 2016 trying to shoehorn VR into Planetship but I'm afraid it's not ready for primetime, there are many camera issues and it honestly makes me sick to play for more than a few minutes as it is. Going to have to go back to the drawing board on how to really make it shine. Let me know if you like what's going on in the updated version of the game or if anything is irksome to ya.

Thanks for playing everybody!


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