Quicklook: The traps waiting for you

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 04 May 2023
1 Screen Platformer Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: Return To Adventure Mountain, LLC
Release Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2019
As you read this I am coding 1 Screen Platformer. While I am working on that I thought I would send you a bit of the background of the traps you will be facing...

As you know, 1 Screen Platformer is a game that fits on 1 Screen.

You play a tiny character who is only able to run and jump. Your goal is to get from that little tiny arrow in the top left corner that says “You are here” and wind your way through a crazy, dangerous, evil, bizarre, hot-lava-filled, laser-infested, temple, to the top right corner of the screen that says “Your goal.”

You are going to die A LOT.

Lets just take a look at a few of the traps standing in your way.

These are the pounding blocks of pain who smashy smashy anyone just thinking about getting any deeper into the temple. You must carefully time your approach so you can run past them without getting pulverized.

These are the ladders of the spinning blades.
Can you time your climb up fast enough to avoid these slicing beasts?

You think it would be nice and easy to ride a moving platform. WRONG. You are riding it right past waterfalls of fricking lava and underneath dripping spouts of molten metal. You better watch your head dude.

Those are just three of the traps you will face. The full temple has a total of 33 of these traps squeezed into a single screen.

Now what kind of character do you play? Well that is a trick question, you will actually play 3 different characters each with a different mission and play style. But I will save that for my next update which will be in 1 week.

If you want to get extra insider information, please join my mailing list I send weekly tips, cheat codes, and secrets that I don't post anywhere else. If you do join I will also give you a special 4th character that can only be unlocked by members of my mailing list. Sign up by clicking this button:

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