Patch Staxel 1.4.34 (190603a)
Author: indiefoldcreator
Mon, 08 Apr 2024
Game: Staxel
A small update to fix up some bugs and other issues.
- All NPC’s for festivals will reset every year. Allowing you to get the limited items, once per year.
- Players no longer get debuffed for fainting in creative mode.
- Removed a check that might have caused some people to not get the build a barn quest from Aliza.
- Fixed Likes for Aliza, Cirahna, and Oscar. Added some additional likes as well.
- Snails are now actually counted as snails by the game.
- Starbits merchant will not help with Sell Boxes, nor mention that you can resell items.
- Cecile’s monster is now more tolerable of multiplayer. (No longer pickup able at the wrong times, will respawn if missing etc.)
- Fix a Null Reference that would occur if a .patch file was invalid.
- Manifest files can no longer be edited by .patch files.
- Added an “Are You Sure” check to deleting all mods.
- Onigiri recipe now uses Boiled rice and not uncooked rice.
- Fishing gatherables with negative spawn chance weight, will now be made positive.
- Added a box deleter tool. Acts like the box placer, except only deletes the area.
- Added a sleeping bag, which does not set the players home.
- Made the earliest sleep time to a bit after midday.
- Fixed several issues that occurred when attempting to do a daily quest after midnight.
- NPC’s will (mostly) stay in their home until wake up time.
- Farm Fan stays out for more of the night.
- Game should no longer crash due to back in time exception.
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