CULTIC - An Overwhelmingly Thankful Post-Launch Update

Author: From Steam
Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2022
CULTIC Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Jasozz Games
Release Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2022
What a crazy last week and change it has been!

First things first: An absolutely massive shoutout to the community for helping CULTIC reach Overwhelmingly Positive in just two days! I was absolutely floored to see the reviews pour in, and the incredibly kind words and support coming in from the community. CULTIC is currently sitting at 99% positive scores - something I never thought I'd see. So thank you all for that!

Additionally, I want to thank those that were so patient and cooperative with providing crash/player logs to me to help diagnose and crush some nasty bugs that were affecting a small amount of users.

Now that Chapter One is out, the big question is - what's next for CULTIC?

A Break

Full disclosure - the first thing on my list is to rest and take a step away from CULTIC for a little bit. The weeks leading up to launch were incredibly stressful, and launch doubly so! As exciting as the launch was, and as thrilled as I am with how positively it was received, I am fully burnt out at the moment, and need a bit of a break to get back on my feet. I'm planning to catch up on my backlog of games I missed during development, and also catch up on some housework I've been putting off!

I hope to be back at it after Halloween! Speaking of...

Steam Scream Fest

CULTIC is a bit of a spooky game, so I am participating in Steam Scream Fest! You might see CULTIC pop up here and there during the event.


The next big task I plan to jump on is localization. I'm getting things ready to get translations for CULTIC underway. While I greatly appreciate all of the generous offers from the community to help translate CULTIC, I have already secured those services. There are some significant changes to the UI that need to happen to support additional languages, so I'm going to get working on that and hope to have updates on it soon.

GOG Release

I had been intending to hold off on a GOG Release until much closer to Chapter Two's launch, because I really don't want to manage updates/patches on two separate platforms. As a one-man team, it's much easier to just maintain a single platform. However, interest from the community in a GOG version has been pretty significant, so I'm looking into options for maybe making that happen sooner.

Chapter Two

I don't have any concrete info to share on Chapter Two at this time. I'm a bit tapped out on creativity at the moment to be honest, so I'm going to take some time to focus on some tasks that are more code-oriented (such as localization) before diving in to Chapter Two.

In closing, thanks again for everyone who has supported CULTIC, and more importantly, supported me through this game dev journey! Until next time!

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