Fateful Fridays: 1.8.10

Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2024
Fate Tectonics Game Banner
Genre: Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Golden Gear Games
Release Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2015

Thanks to the feedback of the Beta 1.8.9 testers, we’re ready for this week’s Fateful Friday release!

Now that things have stabilized since launch (well, as stables as things can be in the worlds of Fate Tectonics!), the team is going to take a break for the next two Fridays.

We’ll be monitoring bug reports and preparing to announce some exciting new things—stay Fateful!

And remember: if you’re enjoying Fate Tectonics, please leave us a recommended review here on Steam. It helps us keeping things shaking!

1.8.10 Release Notes

  • A few pointers. Added Changing cursor states for using powers.
  • You can judge a book by its color. Added the color of the notification book matches the book color for the current mode.
  • The end is not the beginning of the end of the beginning. Fixed several rare errors related to events occurring just as the world is completely destroyed.
  • My savior! Fixed saving after you earned an achievement but before Fortuna awarded it to you resulted in the achievement never being properly awarded. Broken save games will be fixed by this update.
  • Get on their level. Fixed achievement for reaching level 9 with only Penelope and Pestur was being awarded if you reached level 9 and then eliminated the other Fates.
  • Lucky Seven. Fixed achievement for reaching level 7 with no disaster occurring was always being awarded at level 7.
  • Mates of state. Fixed several achievements were losing their state on save/load:

    • Destroy world with all powers.
    • Reach level 4 with no tiles lost.
    • Reach level 7 with no disaster.
    • Fast castle.
    • All achievements for destroying the world with a specific power.
    • Place X cities.
    • Place X fleets.

  • iChug. Changed rendering mode in an attempt to improve performance on Mac.
  • Known issue: Windows version is missing some book animations.

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